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  1. Sickle

    How much fight do you still have in you?

    I'm sorta feeling the same, I tried so hard last year and my grades were all over the place, this year I'm bludgin here and a little bit there and my grades have evend out. But when this term started up I just couldn't be buggered to do any work, but my parents won't stop fuggin hassling me so...
  2. Sickle

    Soiety and Culture day in sydney

    Went to it, it was BORING, god, I know these things are usually boring anway but this was soooooooo boring... I went to the pop culture and equality and diff. talks. I really dont like the guy who talked for pop cult.
  3. Sickle

    Soiety and Culture day in sydney

    Only three people form my class are going, one of whom I doubt will show up at all. Anyway it should be good as i am failing S&C at the mo.
  4. Sickle

    how much has everyone done?

    I've finished constructing 6 out of 7 of my peices but three still have to be canvased 4 have to be primed before I can paint on it, blah blah blah so I'm about 1/4 finished at the mo. (moment.) I have to finish it in what... three months? maybe less then that. And I've allready taken alot of...
  5. Sickle

    studying 4 ancient history!

    There's realy no trick to studying ancient. But my teacher loves to make us summarise any information he can find then he gives us his summary to copy out and sometimes other people summaries as well. So we end up with sometimes 5 different summaries of one text. It's a pain but when exams...
  6. Sickle


    Start a new diary asap I think and in the back you could write down anything you can remember from your lost one. Oh and if you're teacher is anything like mine (damn scary) you might want to tell them sooner rather than later other wise it could get really ugly.
  7. Sickle

    Anbody else in love with the personality they're studying?

    We're doing Akhenaten.... you can't really admire him... or love him.... I think he was a right weirdo.
  8. Sickle

    shoe-horn sonata

    I've started it today actually. Instead of getting the actual book we got a photocopy of the book so every english lesson we have I'll have to lug it around school all day.
  9. Sickle

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    I think some of my friends are going to buy a tonne of cheap coloured wool or string or something and run around the school with it b4 school begins so then there would be a giant tangle of coloured wool... heh heh heh. They were gonna do it with fishhing line but that would be kinda dangerous...
  10. Sickle

    School Uniforms

    The junior uniform at Jannali is dark blue pleated kilt skirt thingy, and a white shirt for the junior girls, the boys wear a white shirt with the logo and grey shorts. Senior uniform is the same bottoms but a light blue shirt instead. They getting ridiculously strict with uniform this year...
  11. Sickle

    What are you doing ur PIP on?

    How the hell did you think up that? That's a really ggood topic... it took me forever to think up my one!
  12. Sickle

    School Uniforms

    Yeah I love our uniform compared to others in the shire.... everything matches up pretty well... I'd hate to wear yellow though.... eurgh.
  13. Sickle

    So who thinks they are screwed for HSC?

    I'm going all right in everything but english. But other wise I'm just above average.
  14. Sickle

    What are you doing ur PIP on?

    My PIP is on the Japanese Educational System, how it compares to the westernised system and how the constant amount of studying Japanese students do and how this affects them - socially and mentally. What's your's?
  15. Sickle

    school holidays!!...yay !

    My holidays I plan to bludge, party, bludge, shop, bludge, sleep, watch all the DVD's in the house, party some more and bludge. And maybe do a bit of work on school assessments in between... :D
  16. Sickle


    After finishing my half yearlies me and some of my friends sat down and started talking about the stress of it all, even though it was the half yealries. We then started to talk about how each of us cope with stress. Some of my friends constantly bitch about people, others develope a sort of...
  17. Sickle


    Well different things work for different people... I could improve my method.... which is usually breaking something insignificant.... like ripping up empty tissue boxs or breaking sticks or something.
  18. Sickle

    Problems with exam papers?

    That happens in at least one exam a day during the exam weeks. But there's not much you can do about it if it's the school who's set up the questions. You could probably complain to your deputy principle if it constantly happens like every year. But then again maybe this time they just got...
  19. Sickle

    Exams!! 1/2 yrlys

    I have four left.... damn. My gen. math exam is tomorrow. I've revised pretty much all I can. But I still don't get half of the statistics and consumer crap. There had better be a lot ot trig and geometry in there..... meep... I'm scared....
  20. Sickle

    Financial Maths

    If you have chapter review questions do them. I hate financial maths.... give me trig any day.