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  1. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    bets are that next book the order falls apart...leaving the only thing stopping voldermort.....Harry..... (my bets anyway) i dont think that characters will be on "both sides" its too LOTR i reckon (e.g. Bilbo, Boromir) ...i think JKR will find something completely abstract and work with it...
  2. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Snape Killed Dumbledore Only Because If Draco Did Not He Would Be Killed....snape Could Not Let This Happen....thus Snape Killed To Save Draco....thus Snape Is A Good Bloke!!! Join The Sss!!! Save Severus Snape!!!
  3. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    however....did it not (somewhere in the book) go a little like this HARRY: but dumbledore your the greatest wizard ever. DUMBLEDORE: that may be but my mistakes are much greater!! (very inaccurate translation but there is something in there said like that....bout pg 300ish) and what...
  4. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    ummm ok maybe no one else noticed....but the necklace they collected....there was no horcrux in really....they still need that as THE ONLY horcruxes they have are the diary and the ring....they really didnt get anywhere other than finding out someone R.A.B had it....
  5. scoby_2000

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    i think this is true...and this is why harry (as i hav always thought) will have to be sacrificed. e.g. jesus christ, Neo....its all the same prophercy kinda thing.. p.s. i thought this book rocked!
  6. scoby_2000

    Most over rated movie

    good call!
  7. scoby_2000

    BATTLE ROYALE バトル・ロワイアル!

    wow what a coincidence....i was just about to start a thread about this film coz i happened to take it from worrk (i work at blockbuster) just randomly!!! i got both the 1st and 2nd one (supposeably there is a third set in the future or something) but yea the first one i thought was...
  8. scoby_2000

    Top 10 OAT

    what exactly did u like about this film....i watched it and thought it had good bits but to say out of all the 482734 other films you have surely interested as to why it was so good for you... ?-
  9. scoby_2000

    TOP 5's

    nah its ok.....i liked The Polar Express sooo.... :$
  10. scoby_2000

    Anticipated releases for '05

    its not being released in aus. till dec. 1 so looks like u hav some time :D
  11. scoby_2000

    TOP 5's

    wow......just wow.....
  12. scoby_2000

    Latest Blockbusters

    are you shitting me???? remember: negative publicity is still publicity :D
  13. scoby_2000

    Latest Blockbusters

    HOW COULD YOU PEOPLE THINK BATMAN WAS AVERAGE!!!!! (except for the katie holmes factor ill give u that) but surely that cudnt of brought the whole film down!
  14. scoby_2000

    the OC

    dont suppose youve seen her fhm spread? quite nice i might say! my favourite is her walking up the stairs *starts drooling* anyway i think kirsten is cooler than julie....cept she all alco now
  15. scoby_2000

    House M.D.

    there showing the same epsiode again? thats a! i think house m.d is awesome....but as others ahve said....cant really stand that spencer guy....he was bad enough in "uptown girls"! but yea i really like hugh laurie....last nights episode was awesome....i love the "c.s.i"esque...
  16. scoby_2000


    rent it....
  17. scoby_2000

    War of the Worlds vs. Half-Life 2

    yea.....guns....u use them in hl2 and u see them in war of the worlds.... i think ure argument is weak....i cud see similarities between war of the worlds and finding neverland.... hl2 - war of the worlds - just about alien invasion.... WAIT! I found the perfect...
  18. scoby_2000

    coming out soon...

    wedding crashes..... *thumbs down* (cept owen wilson = kinda cool, and vince vaughn) - but i bet this is shit
  19. scoby_2000

    Latest Blockbusters

    yea i think batman will begin 1. because it has academic merit (likes its actually GOOD - very not normal for a hollywood film) and 2. everyone seems to hate tom cruise..... :S
  20. scoby_2000

    the OC

    it is coldplay!!!! its like track 5 of the new album