for those of you who will probably have to do past papers now is your time to start.
(1) If your teacher gives you a schedule (good schools like mine will) for past papers do it.
(2) If not your best bet is to do trial papers or past hsc.
But first
(1) Go to Officeworks/newsagent and get lined...
I am looking for the following Mathematics papers, mostly 2011-2013
Caringbah 2012
Girraween 2012
Gosford 2012, 2013
Hornsby Girls 2012, 2013
St George Girls 2011
as solutions for papers from 1995 to 2010 are hard to find for ext 2 trials, here are 43.
#1 of 5: Abbotsleigh, Ascham, Baulkham Hills
**if you find any from 2001-2010 please feel free to put here.
These notes are accurate 2012
Subjects: [History], PDHPE, Science
Reformatted versions.
(generic - still applicable to some extent)
IST & Japanese, no longer available for free; refer to this thread...
dan's prelim notes for physics and chemistry
here is my notes from year 11 (theory only)
because they were rushed, the physics notes are not entirely done, so it is up to you to complete them with your own work.
my chem notes are based from jacaranda 1 and class notes and are therefore not...
Resource List for 2015
Whats new?
old link (returns 404)
new link
Check the 2015 uploads thread, where you can contribute to the future of...
for chem and physics
can someone Pm me a link for recent papers from 2012 onwards
update: I now have some recent papers from some schools, please PM if you wish to trade.
Does anyone have 2014 papers for 2U/3U
(or 2013 from Sydney Grammar for 3U/4U) they are willing to share.
Please PM me, or post here a link.
(Looking also for RUSE and Baulko 2u/3u/4u 2014 looking for them as well)
Please share with others.
I can trade 1986 3U with answers (and 1989, 1990)...
I am willing to trade past papers for any subject; (almost)
including 2014 papers
subject preferences:
3U/4U maths (or 2U if you do have any other maths ones)
Physics, Chemistry (or Bio if you don't have other science ones)
**the newer the paper the better, (I don't want James Ruse or STHS...