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  1. amatterra


    Just expressing my love for UOW :uow:🎆🎆❤❤😘😘🔥🔥🔥☝☝☝:skip::headbang::biglaugh: #futurestudent
  2. amatterra

    Are these good subjects?

    THANK YOUU, this really helped :hug2: I currently like Bio in Year 10 but we'll see how I go in Year 11. Thanks again!!!
  3. amatterra

    Hey, did you go to WHSPA?

    Hey, did you go to WHSPA?
  4. amatterra

    Are these good subjects?

    Yes, I wanna do Materials/Mechanical Engineering. Hmm okay, can you tell me why English Standard and Textiles wouldn't be good subjects for scaling? I like textiles so that gives me a bit of confidence that I will do well in it, but honestly English is my worst subject rn... I mean I'm not bad...
  5. amatterra

    ATAR 2026

    you're everywhere I swear
  6. amatterra

    2u 3u 4u stuff

    Oohh I see, thank you so much for your reply! much appreciated :)
  7. amatterra

    2u 3u 4u stuff

    What the hell is 2u,3u, and 4u Maths???
  8. amatterra

    Are these good subjects?

    For background info, I'm in Year 10 and we're choosing our subjects for Year 11. Would these subjects be a good combo for scaling and give me a high chance of getting 90+ ATAR if I excel in them and stuff like that? Main Preferences: English Standard Maths Ext 1 or Maths Adv Biology Chemistry...
  9. amatterra

    failing y11 term 2, what now

    What kind of teacher is that bro, that sucks so bad. I'm glad you passed tho
  10. amatterra

    BlueScope Steel Cadetship for International Students

    Yea true that, I might ask my Careers Advisor to contact BlueScope. Thank you! This helped a lot :D I appreciate it!
  11. amatterra

    Should I choose Textiles for Year 11&12?

    That's so true. Thanks mate! Appreciate it :)
  12. amatterra

    Ah good to know

    Ah good to know
  13. amatterra

    ATAR 2026

    bruh just trying to help
  14. amatterra

    ATAR 2026

  15. amatterra

    ATAR 2026

    Hey, I'm in the same year as you. I don't know if you know this already or not but they've decided to not make Maths compulsory for us so yea.
  16. amatterra

    Am I the only '26er here????

    Am I the only '26er here????
  17. amatterra

    Should I choose Textiles for Year 11&12?

    Hey guys, I'm in Year 10 and we'll be choosing our Year 11 subjects next term on week 2 and honestly, these 2 weeks of holidays are not a lot of time to think about the subjects I wanna choose... but I've been doing Textiles since year 9 and I absolutely love it. The problem is... the other...
  18. amatterra

    Provisional Accreditation

    Not related at all but nuclear engineering is cool as
  19. amatterra

    BlueScope Steel Cadetship for International Students

    Hey all, I'm an international student (I'm not a citizen nor do I have permanent residency) and I'll finish Year 12 in Australia (I came in Year 9) and I'm interested in applying for the Cadetship program so that I could continue my higher education here in Australia and study my interested...