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  1. HinikuTheNinja

    English EXT

    We're doing Heroes. The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre and Tennyson. Much fun. >_>
  2. HinikuTheNinja

    Favourite band(s)

    Our Lady Peace The Butterfly Effect A Perfect Circle Metallica Placebo The Eels L'arc~En~Ciel Asian Kung-Fu Generation Dir En Grey Rammstein Nine Inch Nails The Pillows Sevendust Alkaline Trio is good for the soul ^_^
  3. HinikuTheNinja

    yr 12 subject selections

    We're not allowed to drop anything in term 4 either, we have to wait till next year... And I do 15u. ^_^ But see, I'm a bludger. I chose subjects that don't require a lot of maintaining ^^; And one of my subjects is out of school - I do Jap by correspondence, which makes it a bit...
  4. HinikuTheNinja

    The subject I hate most is ...

    Biology, but since it's not there, Maths. >_>
  5. HinikuTheNinja

    ppl who lived in japan

    I acutally did it through the Bankstown City Council... apparently, Bankstown and Suita City have been 'sister-cities' since 1989, and they've been doing student exchagnes for quite a number of years... However, you have to be in the Bankstown area to apply. ^_^ The Japanese students were...
  6. HinikuTheNinja

    Fave Jap Songs

    Hyde - A Cape of Storms, Shallow Sleep, Secret Letters L'arc~En~Ciel - Killing Me, New World Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Rewrite, and most of the songs off that same album (sadly, they are in kanji, which I can't read T_T) Sowelu - Moon On The Water The Pillows - Beautiful Morning With You...
  7. HinikuTheNinja

    Major Work Research

    *quietly notes down* No thoroughly depressed characters, no anorexia, check...
  8. HinikuTheNinja

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    'Eight thousand words', though I think it's going to change.
  9. HinikuTheNinja

    What do you think? Short story...

    Hmm... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to comment, being in the year below you and all, but anyhow... I also lost intrest in the first few sentences. Very teenaged!angst filled, which is somewhat stereotypical and, well, boring. I noticed that your tenses were also quite odd - choose a tense and...
  10. HinikuTheNinja

    School / Subject

    Hehe, the ajority of my primary school went to Sefton... and yes, it is a hole ^_^
  11. HinikuTheNinja

    Does Year11 really matter?

    Not only that, but if you don't satisfactorily complete a Prelim course, you're not allowed to continue with that course/any course until you *have* finished it. Or so I've been told. ^^
  12. HinikuTheNinja

    yr 12 subject selections

    We got our sheets to change/drop/choose extensions the other day. I'm at 15 units at the moment, but I'm dropping two, and picking upm another one... so next year I'll have 14. ^_^
  13. HinikuTheNinja

    What type of school?

    A public technology girls school. With half the school's computers riddled with viruses and out-of-date programs. Yay for technology schools. -_-
  14. HinikuTheNinja

    School / Subject

    East Hills Girls Technology High. It sucks. Big time. OH NOES THE SLUTS ARE TAKING OVER THE SCHOOOOL~!!1`11!1~!!!!1!ONEONE!!!
  15. HinikuTheNinja

    what text is your english class doing?

    We started with Robert Browning, then Great Expectations and now Othello. In Extension, we've done The Grat Gatsby, Jane Eyre, while now we're doing Tennyson. ...T_T Someone did Film Noir? I envy you.
  16. HinikuTheNinja

    ppl who lived in japan

    I actually did homestay in Suita, Osaka for ten days earlier this year, (with a group from my area) and I remember two of the boys in our group were put in the same home. Then again, the family they were put in were just an old married couple. The youngest two girls (who were 13 at the time)...