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  1. D

    Who Is Officially Screwed For Eng Adv. Paper 2

    Well, I'm up the creek. I was sick for two weeks with bad bronchitis. It also happens that those two weeks were the first two weeks back, meaning I got NO study time AT ALL after the holidays due to being bedridden for two weeks, and thus have had little to no preparation for anything. Except...
  2. D

    The subject I hate most is ...

    Oh, how unsurprising, English is winning this by a landslide. :p:jedi:
  3. D

    GP - Are you happy with your group?

    Don't worry, it isn't whooping cough. I got the blood test results back on Thursday and was told that it isn't. It's just bad bronchitis and tracheitis that I am thankfully getting over. The doctor thought it might've been whooping cough, and your last line was my first question when he said so...
  4. D

    2006 - What IP are you going to do?

    I love that analogy. I'm doing performance like the majority of the rest of Drama students in NSW, and I've finished most of my script. My drama teacher's been at me for the past long time to incorporate more movement, but I'm trying to do it without it seeming too contrived. Which is...