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  1. Aerlinn

    URGENT: interpreting gravimetric analysis experiments...

    Ah... ok, never thought of that before. So the main thing is, dont use too much distilled water. I wonder why she didn't warn us about that. I also wondered why our teacher was all, 'Don't use more than 1mL acetic acid!!' when we were rinsing flask and paper with it today (step 3) Do you have...
  2. Aerlinn

    URGENT: interpreting gravimetric analysis experiments...

    Thanx for the help ^^ heheh, have a cherry *hands you one* Out of curiosity-- *puzzled look*
  3. Aerlinn

    A sulphuric acid reaction

    Ah, ok, well, I forgot to balance it :)
  4. Aerlinn

    A sulphuric acid reaction

    I just need to know quickly, for a reaction I worked out: Ca(CH3COO)2 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) ----> CaSO4 (s) + CH3COOH (aq) Is this right? ie. Are the products correct? <SUB>:wave: </SUB>
  5. Aerlinn

    URGENT: interpreting gravimetric analysis experiments...

    Eeek, this is about as close we can get to the assessment, anything would be fab...! To add onto the last post: Is the acetic acid used to dissolve all the Ca ions by forming Calcium acetate? I was a little confused when I read up that CaSO4 was only slightly soluble. I know that all...
  6. Aerlinn

    Thin Layer Chromatography and AAS

    f3nr15-- The other way around :) xiao1985-- I get it... ^^
  7. Aerlinn

    URGENT: interpreting gravimetric analysis experiments...

    I have this experiment, but I haven't done it yet. It's a gravimetric analysis one where we want to determine the percentage of calcium in a calcium diet supplement tablet. The procedure goes as follows: 1. Weight one Caltrate tablet accurately into a clean 100ml conical flask 2. Add 50.0mL...
  8. Aerlinn

    Chem... random questions

    Okies, get it all till you said: Why would we naturally expect that? Puzzling...
  9. Aerlinn

    Gravimetric Analysis trouble

    Ah, I knew that ^_^ I was just... very slow and not thinking properly...
  10. Aerlinn

    Gravimetric Analysis trouble

    Ok, can you elaborate as to... how you know that?
  11. Aerlinn

    Empirical formula...

    Ah, thanks. Heh, didn't expect it to be that easy to figure out. Guess I need lots more practice
  12. Aerlinn

    A Man For All Seasons...

    I'm having troubling with a couple of questions with this play... Wolsey says to More that he would be successful if More "could just see facts flat on, without that horrible moral squint, with just a little common sense." What does he really object to and what does he really mean by...
  13. Aerlinn

    Empirical formula...

    I have trouble with this question: When 1.66g of tungsten (W) is heated in excess chlorine gas, 3.58g of tungsten chloride is produced. Find the empirical formula of tungsten chloride. I went a little way and got hopelessly stuck =S
  14. Aerlinn

    Gravimetric Analysis trouble

    Thanks :) I'm doing this question: There is concern in the community about water pollution that is a result of phosphates being added to washing powders to improve their cleaning ability. The phosporus in a 2.0g sample of washing powder is precipitating as Mg2P2O7. The precipitate weighs...
  15. Aerlinn

    Wanted to make some things clear...

    No, it wasn't confusing, I understand it, moretureyn :) Exactly what I thought :) I'm glad you both agree. All that wrong stuff came out of a health textbook. Gawd, they don't know what they're crapping on about :S I think I should correct you here, Trebla. First up, dominance applies...
  16. Aerlinn

    Wanted to make some things clear...

    I was reading, and came across several inconsistencies. Being a biology student, I thought, 'waaaa?!' So, I'll put across my queries to you guys, in the hopes you'll clarify things. It said some odd, biologically incorrect things, in my opinion. For instance, it said that males were more...
  17. Aerlinn

    DALYS, and other things

    For a population (average over illness/disease), not individual, how is a DALY calculated? Is it: DALY= YLL + YLD or DALY= YLL* (a factor) + YLD * (another factor) ? Also, are communicalbe diseases meant to be lifestyle/ curable diseases? If so, what about blood contracted viruses, eg. HIV...
  18. Aerlinn

    Thin Layer Chromatography and AAS

    K. 'energy gap'=?
  19. Aerlinn

    Gravimetric Analysis trouble

    Two evil gravimetric analysis questions I have trouble doing: A 2.200g sample of an unknown organic compound was extracted from plant material. When burnt in oxygen, hydrogen in the compound was converted to 1.32g of H2O, carbon to 3.23g of CO2 and the remainder of the coupound was oxygen. a)...
  20. Aerlinn


    a) That makes sense ^^ b) Sort of. I had the impression somehow open systems are 'practically' (to quote) irreverible... are they...? d) K. Where you said colour relates to concentration of reactants and products, I don't understand. huh? e) Always worth knowing things... ^^ You say enery is...