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  1. ASNSWR127

    General did you go???good or bad??

    I don't think it was toooo bad maybe a little more study would have helped? I dunno... But I am fairly confident I got the 70 I wanted :)
  2. ASNSWR127

    *looks at physics text book*- *collapses*

    mmmm the physics course is infintetely better to the chem course... Chem jumps around everywhere nothing inter-relating whereas physics follows a nce logic and pattern.
  3. ASNSWR127

    What exam are you nervious about

    I am most nervous about Modern because it is the exam in which I should do best and if I have a mind flip...
  4. ASNSWR127

    Chemistry HSC Course?

  5. ASNSWR127

    Longest relationship?

    10 months. fuck that...
  6. ASNSWR127

    Dus music stimulate ur minds during study?

    oh hell yeah! Rage Against the machine is the only thing to listen to when studying! especially for powerplays!
  7. ASNSWR127

    Modifications for automatic car

    lol too true BTW its Paramedic not ambulance driver (annoys me and most others similarly inclined) We do not simply drive. If you want a 'grab and dash' service (chuck in the back of the car and leave without advanced life support measures) move to France or Peru or most other countries. Sorry...
  8. ASNSWR127

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    A girl has to be political... Intelligent but not nerdy. Subtle difference and even nerds can be cute :)
  9. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Mcain-Palin, you are a real tosser Even most Libs are not into the ultra-conservative mindset of the republican party in the US.
  10. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread The greens will keep making more and more headway unless the major parties sit up and take note of what is happening... Good luck to them I say! We need a 3rd voice to the stifling, boring political arena in this country! K Rudd, M Turnbull take note or...
  11. ASNSWR127

    Songs you CANNOT stop listening to

    Us and them by Pink Floyd
  12. ASNSWR127

    Easier or harder than your trials?

    Well I don;t know about business studies (didn't do it) but english was much much easier! Maybe not easier but certainly better thought out :)
  13. ASNSWR127

    suicide and the hsc....

    I KNOW!! it is rather hard... might mean I am going to have to study for these ones *sigh*.... I think they are being unreasonable in their marking rules...
  14. ASNSWR127

    suicide and the hsc....

    I appreciate black humour...
  15. ASNSWR127

    Modifications for automatic car

    or you could not drive around like a twat...
  16. ASNSWR127

    HELP ME- didn't put student number on front of booklet

    That is quite simply gross incompetence by the HSC supervisors! the only roles they have are to ensure that all pieces of paper are together, all administrative stuff is done and that we follow the rules I urge you to make contact with BOS immeadiately and explain your predicament. Did your...
  17. ASNSWR127

    Boy Bestfriends > Boyfriends

    Yeah you might even like the guy! I suspect you will :) I had this same prob with an ex GF of mine (kept complaining that i really went out with the other girl and that I just "bounced back to her for sex on the weekend") this was naturally not the case - I invited them to meet and they really...
  18. ASNSWR127

    YAY we're on the news

    I really have no idea - I am not that into the whole BS that seems to be so prevalent in the Board of Studies and English teachers in general. Maybe my rank would have been the same (I suspect so seeing as my raw mark was still in the order of 78 without study or going to many lessons) - I...
  19. ASNSWR127

    Homosexuality in Australia

    lol militant homosexual! Sounds like an exciting existence! (if only I was a homosexual so I could participate lol) May you declare gay-jihad on those that would be anti-gay and change their petty mind set :)