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  1. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    can anyon speak greek?
  2. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    you should go in and ask for a mars bar, and then when he says he has to wait 3 months for the order, actually come back in 3 months time and be like "oh hey, yeah i'm just following up that order i made for the mars bar. you said it should be in today?" i bet that would make him loveyou
  3. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    yea but he owns a scary dark shop, and abuses people so his opinion automatiaclly doesnt matter to me
  4. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    :| you have a phot of his face? post it
  5. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    will you guys give me big props if i get a photo of his face
  6. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    i'd do it. bring a fuckin camera too
  7. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    ha someones even written some stuff on wikipedia thanks for the yt link btw. Also, the doors are NEVER completely open
  8. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    someone upload photos
  9. J

    Olympia Milk Bar Stanmore

    yeah that place is fucked up. even on the most sunny days its really dark inside. somehow i never noticed it until about 1 year ago, even though i've gone passed it a gazillion tiems before had no idea about the out of stock thing, i've never been inside. but heaps of times i've seen two guys...
  10. J

    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

    once i was at a house party and i brought 2 6packs of coopers pale, 1 1L bottle of smirnoff redlabel, and at some time later on i walked to the bottle shop and bought a case of this disgusting ginger beer (dont remember + dont know htf i got served). only time that i actually cant remember...
  11. J

    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

  12. J

    np. cant actually remember, but i had you in my contacts list so something good must have happend

    np. cant actually remember, but i had you in my contacts list so something good must have happend
  13. J

    what do u ask for when you walk into a hair salon?

    basically whut i look like in rl, btw.
  14. J

    what do u ask for when you walk into a hair salon?

    we're in australia, its called a hairdresser fuuuuuuuuuuck! but i usually go to a $13 barber if i'm in a rush, and get short back and sides + tapered at the bottom. but when i'm not in a rush i go to toni & guy and get something awesome, GQ style.
  15. J

    missed by 0.4 getting into pharm usyd. any chance of getting in? =S

    More than a good chance of getting in imo.
  16. J

    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

    dont care if this is a repeat. Spill the beenz, include details, as much as you can remember, etc.
  17. J

    Strange/stupid overall grade

    Final exam was weighted 45% Assess. 1 - 20% weighting Assess. 2 - 5% weighting Assess. 3 - 10% weighting Assess. 4 - 15% weighting Assess. 5 - 5% weighting Assess. 6 - 45% weighting Even if i did get 53% in the final exam, I would have had to get <50 in my 1st assessment for my overall grade...
  18. J

    Strange/stupid overall grade

    The reason why I am particularly stressed about this, is that I am planning on transferring to USYD next year, into a course which I need a 5.00+ GPA. If this grade remains as a PASS, my GPA will be 4.875 - below the transfer threshold.
  19. J

    Strange/stupid overall grade

    So for BIOL1002 (principles of ecology) we had 6 asssessments throughout the semester (including mid-semester exam and final exam). my marks and weighting turned out like this: Assessment 1 - ?/20 Assessment 2 - 4/5 Assessment 3 - 6/10 Assessment 4 - 18/15 Assessment 5 - 5/5 Assessment 6...