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  1. lani22

    Atar estimate? please :)

    Oh really? :/ I pretty sure maths isn't going to count as my grade's quite weak. Although, my grade is quite strong in religion - i was top five but they had to estimate one of my assessment marks so I dropped down. Modern, geography and extension hist. are quite strong as well, my teachers...
  2. lani22

    studying for modern hsc

    It just depends how strong you are in modern and legal and how well you know the content. If you don't know the content well enough now, then I think cramming is a bad idea and you'll just be under more pressure then
  3. lani22

    Atar estimate? please :)

    bump any other opinions/comments are much appreciated!! x
  4. lani22

    plans for after HSC?

    Weep of happiness? jks probably just beach and work and a doctor who marathon woooo
  5. lani22

    2012 HSC Geography Exam Predictions Thread

    hoping for a megacities extended response as well, there hasn't been one since 2006 I think
  6. lani22

    What's your worst AND best exam(s)?

    Best: Modern History Worst: English (paper two).. I'm so screwed
  7. lani22

    A good pen to use in exams?

    I started using the 'Artline Smoove' pens just before trials and they're pretty good. They write smooth and they're a nice size (for me anyway)
  8. lani22

    More than one wife?

    it goes against my idealistic and totally unrealistic idea of love and marriage and all that kinda crap BUT whatever floats your boat i suppose...
  9. lani22

    Is "94"atar enough to go around boasting???

    what atar you get is dependent on much more than just 'intelligence' imo - commitment and motivation and overall attitude towards your studies for instance plays a huge role so don't go boasting you'll look like a twat
  10. lani22

    study timetable (prior HSC exams)

    I start at 9am and go till around 4, with around an hour's break in that time. Then I try to do at least 2 hours in the evening. I do two subjects per day - going over notes, writing essay plans/outlines and then essays under timed conditions.
  11. lani22

    Anyone Finding They Studied Better Pre-Trials?

    yes omg i was so motivated pre-trials but now i'm stressing a lot more, and when i stress i'm nowhere near as productive as i should be
  12. lani22

    Favourite study snack...?

    tea! So much tea, especially jasmine also almonds and crispy m&m's
  13. lani22

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    i think bow ties are cool but they don't suit everybody wait i should've voted tie.. Lol Wear a tie :)
  14. lani22

    Atar estimate? please :)

    Thanks! wow so its still possible.. I kinda lost hope after trials...
  15. lani22

    Atar estimate? please :)

    My school's in the 140s and my ranks; SOR I - 12/95 Advanced English - 13/52 General Maths - 17/71 Ancient History - 2/33 Geography - 4/10 History Extension - 3/7 Modern History - 2/36 edit: wrong year, my school was in the 230s last year :/
  16. lani22

    HOME OR LIBARY - which is the better place to study for you?

    Home definitely. The libraries near me are usually crowded and noisy in my experience.
  17. lani22

    What are you currently Reading?

    the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire :smile: