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  1. hi_998

    gyms in sydney

    club lime is great! its a bit on the pricey side but you can go as a student and they charge less! its a great place plus also you can book free weights/pilates/zumba sessions whenever you like
  2. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    yes but i dont think any selective school kid would want to go to tafe, considering having asian parents lol..
  3. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    yeah i think alot of students in the school get rly upset cos its a selective school and everyone already studied so so hard js to get into the school, but its allllll a waste considering now they have to COMPETE for subjects any normal school can easily choose. thats the reason why i left that...
  4. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    cos in that school (aka my old school) we dont have the priveledge to choose subjects due to shortage of teachers and also cos our school is disabled asf. this includes chem,phys,ext mat n eng
  5. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    bro the kids talk back to the teachers like HUH? i dont get the system at all
  6. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    nah i dont think so guys no one is talking to me help i try starting convos but no one talks back except 1 girl and i want to sit by myself in the library but everyone hogs it to uses it as a social area and its so crowded and noisy in there i dont like this school, no one is interested in...
  7. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    broo being in a priv school now NO ONE studies, they all talk to each other during class especially during math, like no one cares AT ALL cos their futures are already probs settlled considering how rich they r. like bro paying to go to school makes me feel bad for my parents so i try make use...
  8. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    r u adish
  9. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    ahh this is john samuel edwin
  10. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    bro today i cried in the bathrooms and i left school early tellnig them i was sick
  11. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    hey guys today was my first day at private school i know no one asked but wth guys why r private schools completely different 😭 😭 like paying so much money for what:awesome::awesome: i dont regret leaving my selective school but i think im js overthinking it.. its rlly weird cos im the only...
  12. hi_998

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    nsg definitely has a lower amount of applicatns applying as known of and i also applied last year and there were barely any, i would say there were quite a few fort street kids who tried for nsg. alot r trying for sghs. includng me, im not that keen though, reports r okay.. edutest is mostly...
  13. hi_998

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    and if u r chosinng between nsg and sg i suggest nsg cause there is more intake plus less ppl trying out compared to sghs
  14. hi_998

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    put penrith or girra 1st or 2nd i suggest
  15. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    thanks queen
  16. hi_998

    2026 HSC CHAT

    Hey im doing: 3u math, 2u eng (or 3u, im still not sure which to pick), physics, drama, sor 1 unit, and something else but im not sure, maybe bio or chem
  17. hi_998

    has anyone ever taken the HAST and got in to their school?

    yes sma yes same here! infact tomorrow is my last day at penrith as i am moving schools over how ATROCIOUS this school is
  18. hi_998

    has anyone ever taken the HAST and got in to their school?

    im sorry to say this but penrith is awful 😭 but if u are still willing to apply i have got friends who joined this year and it mainly depends on HAST and reports. Reports do carry alot. I honestly don't think sports is a big deal here unlike sydney boys/girlls etc. Maintaing a good reports...
  19. hi_998


    hi dont try for penrith because here u have to try for chem and physics and no transfers get offered for u own sake i suggest trying for something else
  20. hi_998

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    wait rlly? how did u study for it? my rerpots r good its js edutest im worried about