has anyone ever taken the HAST and got in to their school? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jan 11, 2024
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!
You are currently already in a school? If you have the options to enter another school, why go to one that is considered 'bad'? A selective school won't casually just bump up your atar. Whilst it is fine and quite frankly, commendable that you are willing to take any opportunity given to you, you also might need to consider if a move as risky as going to a school such as Penrith (which is apparently known for their 'special' tactics in limiting students from undertaking certain subjects due to demand and fear of rank loss) is really worth it. Might I add, private schools also offer full scholarships if you're interested^^^ I'd say they maintain their reputation quite well (for the most part) and they definitely will give you opportunities you won't really find in schools such as girra or penrith.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2024
You are currently already in a school? If you have the options to enter another school, why go to one that is considered 'bad'? A selective school won't casually just bump up your atar. Whilst it is fine and quite frankly, commendable that you are willing to take any opportunity given to you, you also might need to consider if a move as risky as going to a school such as Penrith (which is apparently known for their 'special' tactics in limiting students from undertaking certain subjects due to demand and fear of rank loss) is really worth it. Might I add, private schools also offer full scholarships if you're interested^^^ I'd say they maintain their reputation quite well (for the most part) and they definitely will give you opportunities you won't really find in schools such as girra or penrith.
im moving houses so i have to move schools, and i already go to a somewhat competitive school and i quite like competing since i always tend to be more motivated. idk i just want to try for a selective school when i have the purpose to do so, and maybe being around more competition will be better for me. private school would be cool too but i dont want to make my parents pay for something very expensive and have me mess it up, id rather it be less expensive and if something happens it will be on me. thanks for the advice!!
(sorry for bad english)


Mar 8, 2024
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!
im sorry to say this but penrith is awful 😭
but if u are still willing to apply i have got friends who joined this year and it mainly depends on HAST and reports.
Reports do carry alot. I honestly don't think sports is a big deal here unlike sydney boys/girlls etc. Maintaing a good reports (mostly A's) and an above average hast reults should get you in or atleast through the interview part. hope this helps and please feel free to ask me anythnig


Active Member
Aug 1, 2023
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!
i got into penrith through hast a few years ago. im literally begging you, dont come here, the school is horrific and refuses to help you if you have genuine problems. ik you said you dont want to hear it but im literally so sick and tired of seeing perfectly smart kids get screwed over here. even girra is better and you will often see kids from penrith try for girra at some point in time.

i feel that in some instances the school is completely out of touch with reality. one example is the uniform policy, which is relatively strict. even just one instance of being out of uniform will need a note from deputies signed by your parents. ppl who wear off brand uniforms in trouble (uniforms are too expensive to buy from the uniform shop, the second hand stall is run by students who don't even care to show up) and you aren't allowed to wear just the jumper in winter, you have to wear a blazer and tie with it. i could keep going. the assessment policy is arguably even worse. y11 onward we have buffer periods which are up to 2 whole weeks before and 1 week after the exam (this is NOT normal amongst most high schools in sydney and 2 full weeks is NOT necessary), and if you accelerate like me you are pretty much screwed bc there is barely any time within the year where you can be away without a medical certificate that has to explain how bad it is, a police report or a funeral notice.

sometimes it feels like the teachers don't know what they are doing and several of them are exceptionally rude and play favourites in class and with assessments. i applied for a misadventure and during the process i got told it wasn't worth applying for a misadventure bc i would have got low marks anyways (i was well above average in ranking). academics are EVERYTHING to the teachers here and when you get too higher grades you essentially get sorted based on your marks in terms of classes, accessibility to leadership and extracurricular opportunities etc. like i mentioned earlier when i was trying to get a misadventure the first thing the teacher mentioned was that i wasn't a "high-achieving student" even if i was doing perfectly okay in the subject and essentially said that i was seeking extra marks, while their responses to someone who might have ranked higher than me have been more empathetic.

i remember when my grandma passed away and i wasn't allowed to take time off for assessments (this was y9) bc i wasn't physically attending the funeral (bc my visa declined and i couldn't fly to see her) and i didn't have a death certificate. this was so thoroughly traumatising to me and i will NEVER forget how i was crying while studying and scrambling to finish assignments (i got a few extensions bc extensions are in the hands of head teachers who may or may not be empathetic). this was disgusting on the schools part. i cant put into words how much harder the grieving process was.

yes it is competitive and yes it ranks decently. however i genuinely hate the school and can't wait to leave and never talk to anyone that works here ever again.

and if you're thinking that these are issues that are really specific to me you will find that if you join that they really aren't and most senior have a bad experience to some extent. like i said the ones with good marks and teachers on their side often cruise through the academic and leadership side of things but for the average person will probably go through this to some extent


Active Member
Aug 23, 2023
i got into penrith through hast a few years ago. im literally begging you, dont come here, the school is horrific and refuses to help you if you have genuine problems. ik you said you dont want to hear it but im literally so sick and tired of seeing perfectly smart kids get screwed over here. even girra is better and you will often see kids from penrith try for girra at some point in time.

i feel that in some instances the school is completely out of touch with reality. one example is the uniform policy, which is relatively strict. even just one instance of being out of uniform will need a note from deputies signed by your parents. ppl who wear off brand uniforms in trouble (uniforms are too expensive to buy from the uniform shop, the second hand stall is run by students who don't even care to show up) and you aren't allowed to wear just the jumper in winter, you have to wear a blazer and tie with it. i could keep going. the assessment policy is arguably even worse. y11 onward we have buffer periods which are up to 2 whole weeks before and 1 week after the exam (this is NOT normal amongst most high schools in sydney and 2 full weeks is NOT necessary), and if you accelerate like me you are pretty much screwed bc there is barely any time within the year where you can be away without a medical certificate that has to explain how bad it is, a police report or a funeral notice.

sometimes it feels like the teachers don't know what they are doing and several of them are exceptionally rude and play favourites in class and with assessments. i applied for a misadventure and during the process i got told it wasn't worth applying for a misadventure bc i would have got low marks anyways (i was well above average in ranking). academics are EVERYTHING to the teachers here and when you get too higher grades you essentially get sorted based on your marks in terms of classes, accessibility to leadership and extracurricular opportunities etc. like i mentioned earlier when i was trying to get a misadventure the first thing the teacher mentioned was that i wasn't a "high-achieving student" even if i was doing perfectly okay in the subject and essentially said that i was seeking extra marks, while their responses to someone who might have ranked higher than me have been more empathetic.

i remember when my grandma passed away and i wasn't allowed to take time off for assessments (this was y9) bc i wasn't physically attending the funeral (bc my visa declined and i couldn't fly to see her) and i didn't have a death certificate. this was so thoroughly traumatising to me and i will NEVER forget how i was crying while studying and scrambling to finish assignments (i got a few extensions bc extensions are in the hands of head teachers who may or may not be empathetic). this was disgusting on the schools part. i cant put into words how much harder the grieving process was.

yes it is competitive and yes it ranks decently. however i genuinely hate the school and can't wait to leave and never talk to anyone that works here ever again.

and if you're thinking that these are issues that are really specific to me you will find that if you join that they really aren't and most senior have a bad experience to some extent. like i said the ones with good marks and teachers on their side often cruise through the academic and leadership side of things but for the average person will probably go through this to some extent
damn bro. hope u doing good. even some penrith students came to my school and they also complained they werent able to get into their desired subjects because of their ranking/or marks. thats why they came to my school lol


Mar 8, 2024
yes sma
i got into penrith through hast a few years ago. im literally begging you, dont come here, the school is horrific and refuses to help you if you have genuine problems. ik you said you dont want to hear it but im literally so sick and tired of seeing perfectly smart kids get screwed over here. even girra is better and you will often see kids from penrith try for girra at some point in time.

i feel that in some instances the school is completely out of touch with reality. one example is the uniform policy, which is relatively strict. even just one instance of being out of uniform will need a note from deputies signed by your parents. ppl who wear off brand uniforms in trouble (uniforms are too expensive to buy from the uniform shop, the second hand stall is run by students who don't even care to show up) and you aren't allowed to wear just the jumper in winter, you have to wear a blazer and tie with it. i could keep going. the assessment policy is arguably even worse. y11 onward we have buffer periods which are up to 2 whole weeks before and 1 week after the exam (this is NOT normal amongst most high schools in sydney and 2 full weeks is NOT necessary), and if you accelerate like me you are pretty much screwed bc there is barely any time within the year where you can be away without a medical certificate that has to explain how bad it is, a police report or a funeral notice.

sometimes it feels like the teachers don't know what they are doing and several of them are exceptionally rude and play favourites in class and with assessments. i applied for a misadventure and during the process i got told it wasn't worth applying for a misadventure bc i would have got low marks anyways (i was well above average in ranking). academics are EVERYTHING to the teachers here and when you get too higher grades you essentially get sorted based on your marks in terms of classes, accessibility to leadership and extracurricular opportunities etc. like i mentioned earlier when i was trying to get a misadventure the first thing the teacher mentioned was that i wasn't a "high-achieving student" even if i was doing perfectly okay in the subject and essentially said that i was seeking extra marks, while their responses to someone who might have ranked higher than me have been more empathetic.

i remember when my grandma passed away and i wasn't allowed to take time off for assessments (this was y9) bc i wasn't physically attending the funeral (bc my visa declined and i couldn't fly to see her) and i didn't have a death certificate. this was so thoroughly traumatising to me and i will NEVER forget how i was crying while studying and scrambling to finish assignments (i got a few extensions bc extensions are in the hands of head teachers who may or may not be empathetic). this was disgusting on the schools part. i cant put into words how much harder the grieving process was.

yes it is competitive and yes it ranks decently. however i genuinely hate the school and can't wait to leave and never talk to anyone that works here ever again.

and if you're thinking that these are issues that are really specific to me you will find that if you join that they really aren't and most senior have a bad experience to some extent. like i said the ones with good marks and teachers on their side often cruise through the academic and leadership side of things but for the average person will probably go through this to some extent
yes same here! infact tomorrow is my last day at penrith as i am moving schools over how ATROCIOUS this school is


Active Member
Aug 1, 2023
damn bro. hope u doing good. even some penrith students came to my school and they also complained they werent able to get into their desired subjects because of their ranking/or marks. thats why they came to my school lol
im not doing good but thanks anyways lol. and yeah i made the mistake of not leaving and im paying the price 💀


Active Member
Aug 1, 2023
yes sma

yes same here! infact tomorrow is my last day at penrith as i am moving schools over how ATROCIOUS this school is
im so happy for you omg

good luck at your new school


Active Member
Jan 13, 2021
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!
I don't remember the test that much. I did it in year 8, but only got to girra in year 10. I believe the maths and abstract reasoning sections werent too bad. Writing depends on you really, but reading was hard for me. I'm generally not too good at reading comprehension style questions, so maybe that's why. A friend of mine that did hast same year as me said he found reading easier than the other sections. Whilst there isn't many resources out there for the hast, practice your reading comprehension and writing like you would for a school test. Same for maths. the abstract reasoning is different, so idk what to tell you for that. Also, entry is very competitive. Only 5 people made it to my grade in yr 11 (iirc). good luck!


Jun 9, 2021
The African Pacific
has anyone taken the HAST and got an offer for what they wanted? im looking specifically at hornsby girls, penrith, girraween. if you have done it and got and offer or have not could you please give me some details? (in yr 10 for yr11 entry)

please just dont tell me how bad girraween and penrith are because i am hearing it from everyone but tbh i dont have a wide range of options and ill take whatever opportunity i can get.

thankyou !!
Value yourself higher, aim for the moon and if you miss you'll be among the stars. Consider applying for Penrith


Active Member
Aug 1, 2023
Value yourself higher, aim for the moon and if you miss you'll be among the stars. Consider applying for Penrith
being in penrith is not being "among the stars". a school's ranking isn't indicative of how good it is i fear

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