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  1. thomas mcnamee

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    no it wasn't it was c, check values inside and outside of the region and u will find that b does not work
  2. thomas mcnamee

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    no it is a, the lines are the same line
  3. thomas mcnamee

    Predictions for English Advanced 2023 HSC Questions

    do you go to riverview
  4. thomas mcnamee

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    its over buddy, all that stinky ahhh studying 14 hours a day to get confused w a Q14. #mouthbreather
  5. thomas mcnamee

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    shut yo stinky ahhh up boy go socialise
  6. thomas mcnamee

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    leave the crib bro go on a run or smth i can smell yo stinky ahhh through the screen.