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    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    uac atar compass gave me 89.65 and matrix was 89.15🥲
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    true but theres no way youre ensuring enough depth for 9 marks in one page of recommended space when youre including formula derivations + diagrams for at least 2-3 scientists
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    the words of someone who wrote one page😂
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    i was banking on them not asking a trick question so i didnt put zero but flux is independent of current anyways so there would be an emf induced
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    probs a high band 4
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    0 for i since it won't conduct a current and whatever the emf was from 0.0-0.03s
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    yes by a bit i reckon
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    yikes 13/20 plusminus 1
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    my first line of working was literally ux = 0🥲
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    a lotta ppl on facebook got that
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    i did the same w diagrams and derivations n touched on the other scientists as well
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    on jah science ready is saving my whole atar rn
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    true but it becomes less and less accurate as the angle gets bigger so is there not a better way for those instances?
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    does anyone recognise the double slit formula x = λL/d? i can't find it on any hsc resource but i was taught it earlier this year from my teacher. all i can find is dsintheta = mλ or dsintheta = (m+1/2)λ. is that formula just a derivation of one of the two other formulas?
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    idk u probs can but i had to learn the whole syllabus over two days so my knowledge defo isnt the best but as far as the r value in calculations is it r = altitude of orbit + radius of earth or just r = altitude of orbit?
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    i tried it and i got the right answer when i used r = 6800km and 42000km but not when i used r = 6800km + radius of the earth etc. i thought the radius was actually the radius of the earth + the altitude; is this not true?
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    not entirely sure but positive work is done to move an object into higher orbits, so maybe use the formula for total energy which is E = -GMm/2r at both radii and then subtract to find the difference?
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    how likely is a short answer ac induction motor question for this yrs paper
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    from my teacher earlier in the year
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    does anyone recognise this formula: "ε = 2πfnBA"? it's the formula for the max emf in a dc motor but im not sure if we'd need it although i learnt it earlier in the year