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  1. B

    can someone put the paper up?

    ur a silly goose and im TOTALLY.. n.. im so immature ahaha.. just bored
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    For Those Who Do Human Story, All Go Complain On Monday

    ur just TOO hot to work with boxes ... :D lol
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    oh ur so so so smart daniel!! oooooh can i have ur number.. u must be hot if ur that smart :P
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    2005 HSC Answers

    yeah i think im starting to agree. but it was a crappy question cause it got me lol
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    2005 HSC Answers

    yeah it was nice to chat. and same goes to you, GOODLUCK. i was kinda sercretly hoping you were gunna say wollongong. but anyways. have a drink and celebrate for me too :) goodnight
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    2005 HSC Answers

    i was just about to write the same thing about the time, and its so so lame that im sitting at the computer right now talking about maths, when im meant to of finished it forever. most NORMAL peopel would be celbrating hahaha. i wanna do primary teaching at wollongong. what uni's did u apply for??
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    2005 HSC Answers

    ha! who knows. im starting not to care anymore. i just wanna get into uni, and one day be a teacher :) you?
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    2005 HSC Answers

    no. if you worked it out over 60 games it would work out like this: ii) 3/5x60=36 36x4= 144 1/5x60=12 12x$0= 0 1/5x60=12 12x (-8)= -96 144-96=$40 Then you do the same for iii and its $8 less... thats if the question is asking for all of the 60games.. but if its just the one game...
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    2005 HSC Answers

    i meant my actual hsc mark for gen maths. i think the 100% to 89% thing sounds stupid. goign back one sec to the financial expectation thing. so you think that there only asking for the one game financial expectation or robyns game of 60? the question is a bit vague
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    People who dropped from 2 unit at the end of year 11 and did the general exam :D

    yeah i dropped down to general. i was getting like 35% in 2unit. and i ended up coming 3rd in general out of like 60 odd people. even so, is it better off doing general over 2unit????
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    People who dropped from 2 unit at the end of year 11 and did the general exam :D

    yeah i dropped down to general. i was getting like 35% in 2unit. and i ended up coming 3rd in general out of like 60 odd people. even so, is it better off doing general over 2unit????
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    2005 HSC Answers

    wait one peron says that it goes down by like 10% but... the other says it goes up if u get above 90%... meh this is so confusing. all i want to do is get in uni. this sucks
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    2005 HSC Answers

    does ur scaled mark go up or down?? and i agree with ranon..... or am i wrong.. are the answers really 80c and 67c???? i dont get that considering its winning whole dollars??
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    trial results

    damn you marcus.. i ended up on 80.5%
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    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    oh marcus you make me so proud hehe
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    theories of social change

    im pretty sure you are only meant to know the three main ones outlined in the text book. like you said freaked (conflict, functionalist, and evolutionary) the others are extra.
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    The PIP day-what was the buddhists name?

    yeah, i called to school did abit of a sneek, found out his name was chris. and he has been emailing me. He has been helping me heaps hey =) wooo
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    Food Tech Assessment - HELP PLEASE?

    Thanks for all the advice everyone! Top effort. xx
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    Food Tech Assessment - HELP PLEASE?

    yes, the first question is a flow chart and then you have to describe and compare different techniques and equipments used in domestic situations and industrial situations