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  1. Bek93

    Wollondilly Anglican. I doubt you'll know it, nobody does lol. Yourself?

    Wollondilly Anglican. I doubt you'll know it, nobody does lol. Yourself?
  2. Bek93

    It's a bit weird, plenty of blood and sex scenes haha. Yep. I'm in year eleven.

    It's a bit weird, plenty of blood and sex scenes haha. Yep. I'm in year eleven.
  3. Bek93

    Yep. It's a pretty strange show, but my friend told me to watch it so I'm giving it a go. Haha...

    Yep. It's a pretty strange show, but my friend told me to watch it so I'm giving it a go. Haha. You finished school?
  4. Bek93

    holidays: study vs. play?

    I have done just about nothing, besides a bit of Biology homework today. Thanks to this thread I don't feel to bad about my lack of study now :) When i get back to school I'm sure i will regret it though.
  5. Bek93

    Hey. Not to much, just relaxing. Watching a bit of True Blood. Yourself?

    Hey. Not to much, just relaxing. Watching a bit of True Blood. Yourself?
  6. Bek93

    Haha yes :) I have decided you are awesome, thanks to you avatar XD

    Haha yes :) I have decided you are awesome, thanks to you avatar XD
  7. Bek93

    Yes. Holidays are good :) Not to much, went to Luna Park today, now I'm just chillaxing.

    Yes. Holidays are good :) Not to much, went to Luna Park today, now I'm just chillaxing.
  8. Bek93

    Free Period?

    i get none :mad1:
  9. Bek93

    What does everyone think of business studies?

    Yeah. Agreed with above. It's pretty easy, just soooo boring. Pretty sure i'm gonna drop it.
  10. Bek93


  11. Bek93

    I would buy them, but can't get to sydney cbd.

    I would buy them, but can't get to sydney cbd.
  12. Bek93

    Packed to the Rafters - Aussie drama

    i love Ben. He's the best :)
  13. Bek93


    Man i haven't watched this since channel 10 dropped it, but i loved it. Is there a season set coming out anytime soon?
  14. Bek93

    Home and Away

    Belle might die :spzz:
  15. Bek93

    which is harder: modern or ancient history

    i only do modern, and i don't think it's that hard, as long as you can do essays.
  16. Bek93

    Nahh not to much either. Just chillaxing :) Holidays! Yay!

    Nahh not to much either. Just chillaxing :) Holidays! Yay!
  17. Bek93

    Haha. I think we have realised who the real retard is here. YOU! Posting comments for me on your...

    Haha. I think we have realised who the real retard is here. YOU! Posting comments for me on your own page. Who does that? haha I seen you today! and i got your text hahahaha, but i don't have credit. I shall get some tomorrow :)
  18. Bek93

    You didn't leave me a comment. lies, all lies.

    You didn't leave me a comment. lies, all lies.
  19. Bek93

    Hey. Whats crack-a-lackin?

    Hey. Whats crack-a-lackin?
  20. Bek93

    Yooo. What's crack-a-lackin?

    Yooo. What's crack-a-lackin?