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  1. L

    What do I have to do for a UAI of 99.55 for law

    Hey mate dont think its going to be easy to get in the 90's for english cuse it gets harder and the marking gets harder as well
  2. L

    Have you been studying these school holidays???

    Yeh a i really studied with 5 assessments in the first week
  3. L


    how do you make the move on your girl/guy? i cant remember how it started with my ex (2 yrs ago) but i just guess we just did it and i want to be a MORE THAN GOOD pasher...any advice to improve my technique? i want to have nice long compassionate ones from the movies hehe
  4. L

    asking the person you like out

    i want to ask this girl out but i dont know who to go about it she's different to other girls...and i assume she likes me since we talk on the phone 6hrs+ almost every night what should i do?