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  1. F

    Co op Scholarships

    i dont know much about engineering..maybe check the co-op webct a lot more than 200 people apply for commerce...there were 450ish applications just for actuarial last year..and actuarial would have less applications than stuff like accounting (i think).
  2. F

    Co op Scholarships

    important qualities: good communicator, proven ability to work in teams, leadership skills, enthusiastic about whatever it is your applying for..all that sort of stuff. you dont need to have any sort of actual experience in the field (i think thats what you were asking). and of course you need...
  3. F

    Co op Scholarships

    because marks arent the only thing they look at... its often pretty easy to tell who the coops are..especially in things like actuarial studies also, some people dont make the cut-offs for whatever course but still get in because co-op wants them too because they think they'll be good in the...
  4. F

    Co op Scholarships

    what in? i get to cull some of the actuarial applications soon..should be fun, haha
  5. F

    Co op Scholarships

    mainly extra-curricular activities...basically they're looking for well-rounded people what school you went to makes no difference
  6. F

    any1 receive actuarial coop interview offer?

    dont quote me on this, but im pretty sure its more of a pool
  7. F

    any1 receive actuarial coop interview offer?

    as well as having a CR avg, you also have to get credits in every exemption subject from what i've heard it isnt uncommon for a couple of ppl to leave coop over the 4 years
  8. F

    any1 receive actuarial coop interview offer?

    there was a new place because suncorp came on as a sponsor (met with them today)..BUT, the place has already been filled by a girl who was on the shortlist from the original interviews. these interviews now are to extend the shortlist in case anyone happens to drop out (or get kicked out!) in...
  9. F


    umm, i'd have to say probably not unless you have some really good extra-curricular stuff. but theres no harm in trying anyways, you never know.
  10. F


    yeah im doing actuarial/finance, got 95 for both 3 and 4 unit maths..i think most of the others on co-op got similar marks or better. one of the first culls they do when they get the applications is based on marks (mainly maths), then if you get through that a couple of different groups have a...
  11. F


    well maybe not mondays and tuesdays :p still things i'd rather do than work though! but i spose you have to work sometime..
  12. F


    if you think you'd enjoy it then go for it personally i can think of lots of things i'd rather be doing in the afternoon after drinking
  13. F

    integration problem

    Integral of [f(x)]^n * f'(x) = ([f(x)]^(n+1))/(n+1) in this case, f(x) = sinx and f'(x) = cosx
  14. F


    i dont know anything about cadetships sorry, so i cant really help with them all i know is there a fuckload of work, ruin your uni life but you do get money and a job so yeah..i guess it depends what you value more
  15. F


    if you get a co-op, take it over a cadetship anyday you get payed $13,500 a year (at unsw), have a fucking good lifestyle and should probably end up with a few good job offers at the end beats a cadetship hands down
  16. F

    who's gonna do Acturial Studies in uni?

    dont forget
  17. F

    AverageRaw mark for HSC 2003

    it wasn't that hard average would be closer to 60s i'd say
  18. F

    Merchant banking

    executive vice president
  19. F

    Merchant banking

    at most unis you study finance within a commerce degree (i.e. you do a BCom and major in finance)
  20. F

    Merchant banking

    if you were an evp or above at macquarie you'd probably be earning 500k+ pre-tax EDIT: you'd also have no life