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  1. R

    Should i drop maths?

    Try not too, since it really opens up heaps of doors in uni. But srsly, I do 4 u maths so i shouldn't b talking. Just try ur best
  2. R

    Navigating the Global...short film

    Do Whale Rider, I get heaps good whenever I use it
  3. R

    Who's willing to read my BR and FR essay

    Please post and give me constructive crit :):headbang:
  4. R

    Belonging essays, Willing to read?

    I've got my essay and my creative. I've never been wonderful at english so I'm looking for some constructive criticism from those that are :)
  5. R

    2009 UMAT - How did it go?

    Horrible, outside there were stupid fuckers screaming and making a fool outta themselves whilst the examiners did not give a @#%#@%!! But i hated 1 than 2 less than that and 3 was alright
  6. R

    The Justice Game

    Hello! If you are on atm, I'd just like a few pointers to start an essay. I'm a lil lost on this topic. So we'd just talk about how perspectives conflict? But if not, just wondering if you'd be awesome and just lend me a few JG notes? Thankyou so much :) But...
  7. R

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    Our teachers don't teach. end of story
  8. R

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    OMFG DO YOU KNOW HOW STUPID OUR TEACHERS ARE??? Damn don't open ur mouth until u know that our teachers do NOTHING, and it's the students depending on themselves. If you want, u can start early too and stop wasting time complaining about this crap.