Search results

  1. Supaneo

    School / Subject

    I go to St. Andrews Cathedral School in the sydney cbd. My Preliminary Subjects were: English Standard Mathematics Physics Economics Software Design & Development Information Processes & Technology VET Information Technology Certificate II, III The subjects above accounted for...
  2. Supaneo

    Parity Bit

    That's hiliarous, THU I once had a weird intention on becoming an IPT teacher for some reason... Would that make me dumb as well? hmmm I guess so... If i were an IPT teacher i reckon i would be so bad depending on what school i taught at and what facilities it had to provide... I...
  3. Supaneo

    Does any1 do this course seriously?

    Yeah... I do: 1. IPT 2. ITF - Cert II & Cert III in IT. I previously did SDD but i dropped it right before big_will08... in the preliminary course... I do IPT because i like it... and when you like a subject you tend to do well in it... and that is my current situation... - I am...
  4. Supaneo


    I went to the first night show, standing floor tickets, and three of my friends including myself got to meet ja rule close up in the backstage.... nearing the end of the concert... if anyone saw their were 3 guys dressed in white shirts after ja finished his last song and everyone was leaving...
  5. Supaneo

    Context and Values in Changing self texts

    Can anyone help me? I have an English Area of Study Half yearly exam tomorrrow... It will involve writing an extended prose response in the time length of 45 mins... Can any help me regarding context and values affecting meaning on the texts: With Arms Wide Open Cats in the Cradle...
  6. Supaneo

    Techniques for films please?

    Beware! If students of English doing their Area of Study assessment or exam be sure to be careful when evaluating and/or analysing a film. 85% of English Advanced at my school chose a film as their electronic text... Several people in my year group, when marked very strictly when they...
  7. Supaneo

    Senior Science - Notes

    Massive... I've got a half-yearly coming up for Senior Science... I've got my own notes, excel notes, bored notes.. Although this course has only been running for three years my teacher won't allow us to look or have a copy of last years(2002) half yearly exam... The teacher has given...
  8. Supaneo

    Concerts - Ja Rule and Ashanti

    I was just like to share my experience with meeting Ja Rule.... I went on the March11th performance...general admission area.. My friends big_will08, a friend from school, and myself had the opportunity to shake Ja Rule's hand nearing the end of the concert.... Anyone who went on the...
  9. Supaneo


    I went to see the movie yesterday saturday night... The cinema was about half-packed by the start of the movie and kept on coming... I found the movie to be the funniest movie in a while.. from my perspective It gave me higher self-esteem knowing there are people stupider than me out...
  10. Supaneo

    Concerts - Ja Rule and Ashanti

    Yeah unfortunately it is but i am going anyway with a few friends as a needing stress relief ehaheha My half yearly's are on the monday a week after the concert. I wanna see how they are in a concert perspective... instead of seeing them or hearing them on the computer for instance.. Yeah...
  11. Supaneo

    Concerts - Ja Rule and Ashanti

    Just wondering... Anyone going to the Ja Rule and Ashanti Concert, either March 11 or March 12,,, Comments on Ja rule and Ashanti's music? Comments on the kind of music hip/hop rnb rap? Anyone wishing to buy tickets to the concert? I have a few left over... anyone interested? CooL.
  12. Supaneo

    work placement

    Work Placement... Well i did my 4 day week at Acer Computer Australia last year @ Olympic Park. I must say it is not a bad place with a lot of nice people but i have vague memories of it now... I would recommend it to people who still have an interest in IT. It aint much of a...
  13. Supaneo

    Songs relating to changing self!!!!!

    Hey dude, I recently handed in my assessment on changing self... I used these songs Creed - With Arms wide open and the Cat's In the Cradle Song They have simliar issues regarding relationship between father and son. I have found some good notes in the forum somewhere...
  14. Supaneo

    computer related courses

    Hey there, I'm interested in taking this course... what is your opinion of this course? Can you tell me everything about ite? What is the cutoff? I heard there is also a course called similar to that but IT Innovation something like that.. Please detail... Thanks,
  15. Supaneo

    welcome to the uts forum

    I'm planning to do an IT course at UTS... Just wondering if i can get some feedback and personal opinions on different IT courses UTS have to provide... Good and Bad? I'm looking at Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Innovation Cut off: 87.5 UAI Thanks, Vinh