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    yet another complex cube roots

    isn;t that only true if the question said z^3= 1 ??? thats why i was asking is there any parts before it like factors z^n= 1 ?
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    yet another complex cube roots

    any more info?, because jst looking at it i would say expand and if you were given something like z^3 =1, u know that w^2 +w +1 =0 and so that lets u reduce all the higher powers of w to lower powers of w and then take them out as zero which should cancel alot of stuff out
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    HSC Tips - Harder 3U

    can you explain this one, i battle with probability
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    Starting at q8?

    the way i have done it all year is give yourself 20min per question. Go fast through the first questions, 1-5 and try and give yourself extra. When it comes to 6,7,8 stick to the 20 mins and look for the parts you can do. Even if u take exactly 20min for each question u still will have 20min...
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    Lear - Dramatic Techniques

    we did this question almost exactly for an assessment earlier in the year and dramatic techniques were basically anything- language, motifs, construction, stage directions, characterisation anything that enhance's the meaning for a purpose. You had to discuss both your view and its reception...
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    King Lear Hsc

    haha not such a bombshell for me :P, my teacher, who has marked HSC for a while, told us to expect a question on any of the major characters, he also predicted the fool or he said the ending of the play alone or the role of the subplot with a focus on one of the characters. He even suggested we...
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    I am confused

    our teacher said that as a rule you should discuss about 25% to 1/3 about other readings and 2/3 to 75% your own. So 2 readings along with your own view he thinks is enough. He has marked HSC for something like the past 10-15 years. And that in the past few years they have been shifting away...
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    1 related material or 2

    in previous years it was 1 related, prescribed and 1 from stimulas booklet. BUT this year they changed it to just your prescribed and 2 related. the question said "and TWO other related texts" so i think if u only did one u will probs loose 3-4 marks cos am missing an entire text. For your...
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    The F1 Thread

    re: The Official F1 Thread just in, Bourd. got a 25sec time penalty for the incident with massa after his pit stop, relagating him to 9th and massa up to 7th and 2pt and webber into the points...should be interesting seeing the worlds reaction to that. i haven;t seen the video of the incident...
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    for your 3rd question- where does it say the centripetal force isn't inwards????? it is inwards, BUT if the object is in contact with a surface then there will be a reaction force outwards but the centripetal force is always inwards in maths and physics
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    Chemistry Question HSC 2007

    yeh sorry that was my bad, jst realised as i read over my post, good sign for the HSC :s
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    Chemistry Question HSC 2007

    For Q20 the anode is PbO2 going ot PbSO4 and full equation follows pretty easily, jst take out the both 2e- and combine the two equations and a benifit is that it means you don't have to replace them often, they last as long as other car parts, less Pb waste as less batteries used For Q17 you...
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    Predictions for essay question this year

    for USA-impact of urbanisation and indrustrialisation, it hasn't been questioned yet and mayb social conflict
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    How about we try guess questions?

    Paper 2 will be specific, esp. module B, our teacher says they are trying to see what students have a good knowledge of the text, not just a prepared answer, in terms of module A and C will be a bit more general but still more specific then the old "how has your concept changed", Paper 1 essay...
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    James Ruse Agricultural High

    i had an offer to Ruse in yr 6 for yr 7 and chose to decline, both my bro and sister went there but my parents and more importnatly I didn't like the feeling of the school, there was too much emphaise on marks and work and not enough co-curricular and sporting activities for me. So the main...
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    HSC 2004 question 19 (a)

    yeh it is a bit common knowledge, in my text book at the back they have all the orbiting time of all the planets so that helped
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    HSC 2004 question 19 (a)

    the time gap is about 6months, so earth will travel half a revolution around the sun. Mars will travel about a 1/3 of a revolution in 6months, that accounts for the posistion of both. The projected path is just a line from earth to mars
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    Best university for....

    in sydney i have found that UNSW has the better engineering course and Aerospace/aeronautical, out of USYD, macq and UWS. In terms of interstate, Monash is good for aero they have then southern hemi. largest wind tunnel i did work ex. there was really good, also look at RMIT which is known for...
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    Engineering Commerce

    i am looking to do engineering/commerce next year at UNSW, the main reason i am doing the commerce degree is for the assistance it gives in later careers, moving up the management chain etc. however I don't do business studies, eco's, etc, will this be a problem when doing the commerce...
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    UNSW or USYD for Aeronautical Engineering

    well i will only know if i try. Thanks though. I went to the UNSW open day today and the course seems alot better then at USYD, looking at doing Eng/Comm as well and that looks much better at UNSW