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  1. crazy_panda_eye

    busl320 cheat sheet

    anyhow for the future semester people, heres an outline of the exam: Q1 15 mc (15 marks) A few I remember Which is more likely to be GST payable 1) tea bags? 2) Salted peanuts? 3) Juice (that has 95% juice concentrate) Which is more likely to be GST free? 1) Strawberries u get from...
  2. crazy_panda_eye

    busl320 cheat sheet

    Making own notes, but had a look at yours and they came as some help. So thankyou : ) This probably is coming in late, and Ill prob get no reply But is studying via tutorial questions the way to go : /
  3. crazy_panda_eye

    Procrastinate with me: What are your indulgences during exam time?

    - I participate in these procrastination threads - I listen to music (the older the better, teenage dirtbag anyone?) - I eat comfort food while watching oprah - I youtube anything and everything - I cuteoverload - MSN - Facebook
  4. crazy_panda_eye

    Econ201 2007

    As Luke^ said, a lot of the work extends from the u learnt in econ 110. So it wont hurt to do a little reading before hand. What I remember from econ 201 was that there was quite a bit of reading and the tutorial questions were long. However with the finals, it was possible to pass with just...
  5. crazy_panda_eye

    Procrastinate with me: What are u going to do after your exams

    - complain how hard exams were and how, did not comprehend half the questions - vow to quit uni and do hair - Give up angst/emoism and go sleep - Exercise, Exercise, Exercise - Get in touch with TV : 3 - make amends to friends whom 21sts i missed. (Why is it that all the bdays are around...
  6. crazy_panda_eye


    It also depends on how you personally handle your studying load. Are you saying that you're planning to do accg310, 253, 201, busl310 all in one semester? 0.o? Busl310 is alright but the other 3 IMO may be a struggle. Not saying they're impossible to do, but you're asking for quite a hectic...
  7. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Thread

    Hey Kushang Did this last semester, you can find my exam thread where i freaked out. Strangely enough me and another friend got a HD and all my other friends got D. So even though it does have a lot of reading, its not all tested and Im assuming its quite scaled up? Just know your...
  8. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Final exam

    Just for the fun of it (and partly because I am procrasitinating) here are my guesses to the question of the exam. Whether they are right or not will have a direct impact on how well i do -__- 1) Contrast Principle and rules based accounting and comment on their methods to counter creative...
  9. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Final exam

    You rock, cheers Im guessing we can add that little part on falsificationism aswell? Again thanks for coming to the rescue, glad someone knows their stuff : 3
  10. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Final exam

    Btw can someone tell me how PAT has contributed to the development and improvement of accounting practices, and how it has overcome problems of normative accounting theory? Why or Why not? I tried reading but its just not sinking in
  11. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Final exam

    So happy to hear that Im not the only one :) ...suffering :mad1: ^@ tausimon yeah from the lecture notes it seems to imply that its gonna be a question like Contrast Principles and rules based accounting and then it'll ask us a bit on the section creative accounting? Maybe what disadv and...
  12. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 323 Final exam

    I made the awesome choice in deciding to do accg 310 and 323 in the same semester and now I have 3 days to relearn the whole topic. Is there a way to pass this? Does anyone have any awesome tips? to students: It says that first question is going to be about rules based principle based...
  13. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG201 and MKTG101

    ... *head explodes* oh noes 1am and 3 subjects to go, doesn't help that I cant remember last topics. Theres too much waffle to differentiate between whats bs and whats ...well . not. Good luck you guys And please by all means do worse than me.
  14. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG201 and MKTG101

    Yes, who is a good question : < but guys last sem had a diff lecturer so Venkat might have changed the layout Ive given myself tonight to study the whole course and its frightening. Im putting money however that we'll be seeing the likes of - Transfer prices - Balanced scorecard - CRM...
  15. crazy_panda_eye

    Problem with TURNITIN!!

    Hmm howd u go wtih it? I know some people who had the same problem and just contacted the lecturer in charge who fixed it for them. All the best ~
  16. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG253 Mid-Semester Exam

    ^ lol Keeping in mind that Homer only passed cos the nerds hacked into the system : < I found my past semester mid sem accg253 dunno if u guys still want it, but Ill type it up anyways (its either this or my accg201 homework euw.) Theory (9 questions, 5 marks each) 1. Define the...
  17. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG253 Mid-Semester Exam

    Aha ur all screwed > : O JK : D- From what i remember the test had questions similar to the tutorial questions, but not as hard (definitions/theory and prac incl) (Gave my past exam paper to friend : < so cant be anymore specific) Average was fail. Thing is I heard they changed the course...
  18. crazy_panda_eye

    Marxine's Iced Chocolate = Not worth it!

    Thats pretty bad to hear...and everyones allowed to be critical : / Can I ask which Max Brenner you visitted? I've heard a few complaints about the St Ives and other ones (Chats etc etc). Although I know a few of the people who work there and they are really great people. Micommunication...
  19. crazy_panda_eye

    Marxine's Iced Chocolate = Not worth it!

    I reckon eh, you should try their mochas- the fondues are pretty overpriced : / Their customer service is excellent though! I know cos I work there : )
  20. crazy_panda_eye

    ACCG 253 Test

    - Short answer - Extended response - Calculations (according to lecture) Yentas response was pretty helpful...Does anyone know a good way to study for this? I.e. practice/ reread Even better... does anyone know whats in the exam : D?