Jonathan THINK before you talk
T - is it thoughtful
H - is it helpful
I - is it important
N - is it nice
K - is it kind
YOU’RE STILL A CUTIE PATOOTIE THO (i claim u as my pookie btw - you have been promoted)
@aqwerty13402 literally no idea i saw girl on instagram saying ‘omg to all the ladies i just discovered that it can twist 360 degrees’ and was like what n all the boys in the comments were like ‘who told her?’ N I WAS FLABBERGASTED
but not everything on sociak media is believable to had to ask...
Honestly i dont believe it like sure and all those tiktok conspiracies theories like
She Knows
Shawn = diddy’s first name
Knows = beyouncé’s last name Knowles
he was hinting all along 😨😨
sure babe whatever makes u seem at night