I obtained a copy of his textbook for the Level 1 course (4U back before 1981) and saw that he used to teach at Vaucluse High School (and was the head of maths of that school).
I found something interesting on their website; the corporal punishment book. Looks like Coroneos did his fair share...
3U was introduced in 1981 and they took out 3D analytical geometry in 1985 or something. 4U was introduced in 1981 and they added graphs and harder 3U in 1989 (and took out a bit on circles in conic sections).
The funny thing is that I'm not really the social type (I think) but yet every female friend that I've made at uni have talked to me first.
If you're a nice and decent person then girls will talk to you first. But on the other hand if you're just out there looking desperate then I'd doubt that...
I must be a lucky person then. I actually have made a few female friends in uni (in a course basically equiv to engineering).
I've become good friends with one of them.
You guys should seriously stop trying. It's not like you'll say hi anyway...
Using each of the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 form a number which when increased by one million becomes a perfect square. [NB: There are two possible such numbers]