Re: [Movie] Australia
Chamelia is Aboriginal. You should be nicer to her. YOUR PEOPLE, the white man, took her away from her family.
Fucken racist white nationalist bigot
OmGaWsh It I s LIkE YoU DaWnT UnDaStAnd DaAT BuSh WaS ShIt AnD ObAmA iS CHANGE FoR AmErIcA. RePuBlIcAnS CaN'T Do AnYThInG BeCaUsE ThEy ArE WhiTe WaR MoNgErs I dNT belIeVe YoU DnT NoE Dat
*voted Excellent on the hope that he and Israel fuck with Iran before their anti-aircraft missile shit...
1. It isn't the fastest growing religion in the world.
2. No, it wouldn't mean anything even if true. What have high birth rates in crappy countries and the illegality of apostasy got to do with the legitimacy of a belief system?
Yes, blacks are the most racist people out.
It would be retarded for me to choose to vote for a PM candidate because they shared a similar racial background to me (remember, Obama is a different kind of black) and ignore that his/her policies and political standpoint were on the opposite side...