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  1. Affinity

    Opportunity cost of doing a 5-yr combined degree

    Make sure you account for hidden costs and benefits.
  2. Affinity

    2 months till uni

    as long as she knows and you know (that you are going away soon) it's fine.
  3. Affinity


    if the discriminant is positve you get 2 solutions, ie the line cuts the parabola (which means it's not a tangent because all tangents to a parabola meets it only once) if the discriminant is negative it means there are no solutions, again not a tangent. so when the line is a tangent, the...
  4. Affinity

    difference between trader and dealer?

    dealers are probably new and traders used
  5. Affinity

    combined actuarial studies/mathematics

    That's to make sure every math graduate knows what they ought to know. I am sure they could let you skip those and do something more advancedif you can demonstrate your competence in those subjects.
  6. Affinity


    But it could be shorter[think about why this works!]: we want a such that the equations has 1 double solution for (x,y): x^2 = 4ay x-y+3=0 ie the discriminant of: x - (x^2/4a) + 3 = 0 is 0 (1 + 3/a) = 0 a = -3
  7. Affinity

    combined actuarial studies/mathematics

    what exactly do you want to do? maybe there's another program which is better suited. You shouldn't really deviate from the sample plan for the first 3 years, perhaps with the exception of not doing MATH3901 which pretty much repeats ACTL2003. You can try to overload though. I pulled Linear...
  8. Affinity


    I think they mean physics,chemistry ,biology or senior science. But I thought there's no formal prerequisites, only assumed knowledge
  9. Affinity

    Maq to UNSW

    You will very likely be accepted for transfer
  10. Affinity

    Two questions

    1) Not really 2)b is obvious. c) vert asymtopes at x=-1,1, horizontal asymtopes at y=1 both sides.
  11. Affinity

    Opportunity cost of doing a 5-yr combined degree

    First to correct a mistake you have with your estimation -> you have living expenses whether you are at university or not, so it's really 90K instead of 140K. remembering that parent's money comes out of your inheritance. secondly, things aren't as clear cut as you set it out to be. For...
  12. Affinity

    Lost.. please help!

    Ofcouse you might be one of those elusive HD averages
  13. Affinity

    Is it really all about physics & maths???

    It's not all about physics and maths, it's about using physics and maths to get things right. what about business + engineering
  14. Affinity

    Maths bridiging courses at unsw

    yeah do something if not the brdiging course, a band 5 doesn't really cut it
  15. Affinity

    Maths Talented Students Program

    there's usually a lot of digression in "better" classes
  16. Affinity

    combined actuarial studies/mathematics

    Students who do not meet these criteria may apply to the Head of Actuarial Studies for admission to the Part II equivalent courses setting out the reasons for waiving the entry requirements. usually you would get some kind of internship by then
  17. Affinity

    combined actuarial studies/mathematics

    Everyone gets into the part 2 courses. Look forward to seeing you.
  18. Affinity

    Complex nos

    cos(x) = cos(-x) sin(x) = -sin(-x)
  19. Affinity

    Comparison of Maths Ext 2 books

    I didn't think of mathematicians when I suggested it. Not looking at solutions might frustrate someone at the beginning, but will pay off quite soon. It's apparent from those I tutor. The ones who do the exercises themelves tend to be slow at the beginning but eventually better than their peers...
  20. Affinity

    How much time?

    Holidays -> meet ALL your social commitments and play, when you get bored/have nothing to do, study. when schools starts again, I say around 30 hours a week at home on average, considering you usually have 2 hours before dinner and 3 hours after dinner and television, it isn't that bad(For...