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  1. SpoonSamba

    Anyone Performed yet?

    haha good eff absolutezero
  2. SpoonSamba

    is this elective good

    about 12% do forensic and a big chunk do industrial and shipwrecks. The other are mainly done by selective schools cos they're really hard we had our first forensic lesson today, it was good. Our hwk was to watch CSI lol
  3. SpoonSamba

    High Scaling Subjects

    english extensions dont scale as well in general as ppl seem to think and theyre a lot of work so only do them if u srsly have a passion for english and with chem the reason it scales high is cos its HARD. Just do what you enjoy and stay away from pretty much anything with the word...
  4. SpoonSamba

    Anyone Performed yet?

    wow our progreess performances were in liek term 1 and we cant watch them? We all rehearse for each otehr its heaps good, its not liek we steal each otehrs ideas or anything, its just tat there really arent enough rehearsal rooms to go round? hmm i'll look it up anyway EDIT: 'For reasons of...
  5. SpoonSamba

    Anyone Performed yet?

    I just had my internal performance it was so much funnn soooo much better than jyst liek running through by myself anyone else perform, howd it go? watched anyones? alll the ones ive seen have been great im loving it
  6. SpoonSamba

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    fuk u obama im so angry
  7. SpoonSamba

    Anyone else having fun?

    Once again enjoying IP lol, trials performance is too soon but I'm glad I'm on track and ist good staging it and stuff butu cutting down my script is abitch, i just have too much to say
  8. SpoonSamba

    Do my Survey

    Gender (please bold answer): Male Female Age (please bold answer): 12-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50+ 1. Do you know what Short Hand is? (Please bold answer) Yes No 2. Do/Have you use(d) Short Hand before? (Please bold answer) Yes No 3. Why do/did you...
  9. SpoonSamba

    Anyone else having fun?

    Yeh my thrill for ip has been demolished, yeh i know i started the thread. But now im shit and very stressed and GOD JUST BURN IN HELL IP
  10. SpoonSamba

    sum up the hsc in one word?

    tedious fuk im so over it
  11. SpoonSamba

    Subject regret

    ok i started yr 11 with maths, extension maths, adv eng, ext eng, drama, chem, ancient history, geo, catholi studies yes it was a lot. after 2 weeks i dropped ext maths. Afte ra term and a bit i dropped geo. and at the end of term 3 i dropped extension english i now do maths, chem...
  12. SpoonSamba

    Given up hope of 90 UAI, anyone?

    I'm the 'smart' one in my familly, and EVERYONE thinks I'm gonna get like 90+ none of them seem to accept the fact that to get those marks u have to work ur ass off and ive been tooling around for the past yr and my marks are low... like so low except my drama marks noway i...
  13. SpoonSamba

    OnStage Performances 08

    hahah yay! someone who agrees, the cat was awesmoe
  14. SpoonSamba

    My own monologue. plz read

    I really like it! good luck to ya
  15. SpoonSamba

    postin ur monologue

    I wouldnt personally post it up, not that id ever steal anyones but liek anyone could be on these boards, If u want feedback i suggest just sending it to a few of the active boarmembers in teh drama section here, such as me :) lol i love readng pieces but ive written mine so i wouldnt steal...
  16. SpoonSamba

    Character Development Help

    For humour mispronounce words but with confidence so the character thinks he soudns classy, but just sunds liek a tool kinda like ath and kim say 'erbal, haloe vera and the like but more jeevesy i'd laugh at that
  17. SpoonSamba

    Brecht: Verfremdungseffekt

    ahh ur a gun!
  18. SpoonSamba

    Brecht: Verfremdungseffekt

    Okay so I'm writing an essay on Brecht and i was wondering is Verfr​emdun​gseff​ekt a techn​ique Brech​t used like gestu​s or parod​y orrrr​ did Brech​t use his techn​iques​ in order​ to achie​ve the verfr​emdun​gseff​ekt ??? cos i spent al term thinking it was the first...
  19. SpoonSamba

    Love of success or fear of failure?

    love of success i cant fear failing cos i am failing my ass so bad if i was scared of it i wouldnt be able to even get out of bed anymore i dont even really mind doing bad, but doing really well (i.e success) well it does feel just sooo good. like its kinda the same in sport with...
  20. SpoonSamba

    Half Yearly Results ONLY (No Spam)

    drama: 90% (it was our trials, like 2 essays in timed conditions but during the half yrly assessmnet block so im gonna put it here) english: 67% Maths: 60% Ancient: 55% chem: 36% ... im just gonna laugh lol