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  1. Huratio

    New Student ID Cards

    I did too =O
  2. Huratio

    subject selection

    You won't be wasting anytime if you load your IT subjects to your electives. Here's a guy who didn't make it who genuinely wants to get into the course. -
  3. Huratio

    Do Transfer students need to withdraw from their old course

    When i got my results for my internal course transfer it said: you have exemptions from these X (subjects in my new course). So i didn't get an academic transcript.. I'm not sure about this, you better contact SAU and check.
  4. Huratio

    New Student ID Cards

    i thought PT students didnt get student concessions =O if you have it on your card.. i don't see why you have to hand in another form.
  5. Huratio

    Do Transfer students need to withdraw from their old course

    Yes on my results page, I can choose my old course and see the results I got then. Also when I select to email my full academic record- it shows my results from my old course and my new course. =]
  6. Huratio

    ONESTOPADMIN ==> What Is Ver And Att ????

    wow.. you've changed courses a number of times.
  7. Huratio

    New Student ID Cards

    I was hoping they'd have a new design.. =/ BTW, I thought they were being sent in the beginning of Feb =O how come you got it so early?
  8. Huratio

    Anyone starting Insearch here?

    Looks like a similar program to Macq's SIBT. Guaranteed 2nd year uni place with a good WAM.
  9. Huratio

    O-Week and Gym Prices...

    well they should reintroduce student unionism (to some extent - whether it be a limit on how much students pay a year) --> price cuts on food --> ditch the advantage card =) discount booklet was only good for one thing: when your bored and felt like tearing perforated paper.
  10. Huratio

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    I'll be here to answer anyones questions =) (i'm not a yellow shirt tho) lool Joe - posting in the IT thread =O
  11. Huratio

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread Well.. just 1 for networking (first semester last year).
  12. Huratio

    UTS Semester 1 2007 Timetables and Subjects!

    Your in my stats lecture joe =O and possibly my tutorial as well =O yep. you will be doing this in enrollment, where ppl will guide you on how to schedule your timetable.
  13. Huratio

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    That's weird.. This time last year heaps of us were in the "IT Camp 2006" Thread (IT sub-forum). BTW you should see some BITs & Bus/Comps in some of your subjects in the first semester; which you would meet at camp =)
  14. Huratio

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread Some IT exams are in Level 1X of the tower building =O
  15. Huratio

    O-Week and Gym Prices...

    Gym equipment is highly depreciative.. it is like buying a car (worth 50% after one year). (this is what accountants think about - im already becoming one and i haven't even started the major =/) The main government arguement to this is that a percentage of people don't like forking out...
  16. Huratio

    ONESTOPADMIN ==> What Is Ver And Att ????

    I know what the VER is.. It does stand for version. Once in a while UTS restructures courses (such happens in engineering and IT subjects and others but rarely), and everytime that happens the version of the course changes. C10068v5...
  17. Huratio

    Enrolment Status

    Hmm.. wait a couple of days.. Unless it says "admitted" you won't be able to see your study plan, and enrol into subjects. It may be updated before the 2nd of Feb..
  18. Huratio

    Do Transfer students need to withdraw from their old course

    Hey Dingo, Yeah, I withdrew from my old course then enrolled to my new course. I was accepted for an internal transfer from BScIT to Bus/Comp in the middle of last year. Hope that helps.
  19. Huratio

    B Business B computing

    Blame those who get into Bus/Comp that don't want to do Computing and are just using it as a "back-entry" into the Business degree.