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  1. S

    Please check my Thesis.

    Well I thought of that too, but i need it to be general so I can adapt to any question thrown at me. Aren't thesis statements only supposed to be one line? clear and conscise?
  2. S

    Please check my Thesis.

    Its going to cover my two texts and romulus which mainly focus on the shaping of the character. and the question would not specificly ask about types of belonging, it has to be general.
  3. S

    Please check my Thesis.

    Thank you very much :cool:
  4. S

    Please check my Thesis.

    A sense of belonging plays a significant role in both creating an identity for an individual and shaping their character. This is supposed to cover two related texts and be flexible enough for the unkown exam essay question. My two related texts is a picture book titled "Belonging" by Jeannie...