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  1. Slidey

    Blair "i'll do it again"

    Re-read my post. I said nothing about soldiers. You're being hypocritical to bring up civilian casualties when they were higher under Saddam's brutal reign. And no, Blair is nothing like Saddam. Blair helped send in a liberation force to depose a murderous dictator. He did not give the order to...
  2. Slidey

    Blair "i'll do it again"

    More Iraqis died under Saddam than died under the Allied liberation, and unlike the Allied occupation, they would still be dying now under Saddam. If innocent Iraqis is all you care about, you're being very hypocritical. Saddam wasn't a nice guy. He wasn't innocent. He was a mass murderer.
  3. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    Either you are a troll, or you fail at free-market libertarianism. The state, in order to conduct its necessary business, needs to use some sort of document format. Even the most minimal of states would have to at least write the law code down somewhere. The document format that the state...
  4. Slidey

    I feel ill informed :/

    Timetables. Roughly a 15 to 20 hour week. And dude, just roll with it. You're young, so make mistakes and live a little.
  5. Slidey

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Fuck Tony Abbott. Also, good news. Check Facebook.
  6. Slidey


    This. It's the perfect tool to take to class or work for me.
  7. Slidey

    Success. Student worked. The other email address failed.

    Success. Student worked. The other email address failed.
  8. Slidey

    Should States prevail over Federal?

    Following that logic, if the states had of prevailed slavery would have persisted. Ooooh well done there sunshine. :rolleyes:
  9. Slidey

    I know how to fix the abo problem

    It would seem like the logical thing to do.
  10. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    Type more essays on the internet, Dom.
  11. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    Omar-Comin appears to be a Libertarian's troll account, based on rep comments and the fact that he's attacking Libertarians with absolute patent nonsense.
  12. Slidey

    Taiwanese man dies after watching Avatar

    Re: Chinese guy dies after watching Avatar You have to be a pretty big moron to ignore the desires of the Taiwanese people themselves. I guess you qualify.
  13. Slidey

    Fat Tax

  14. Slidey

    Youth Allowance Eligibility

    I'm neutral on Youth Allowance. I never got it, since my working single-mother parent always earnt just a bit too much, and I always just got a job. The independence rules and income qualification rules need to be reworked though. It's too difficult for students with genuine need to qualify at...
  15. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    I figured but it was too easy a retort. :o
  16. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    What part of Australia's political system kills millions of people?
  17. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    Smartest post in this thread.
  18. Slidey

    Libertarian movement

    It's probably just natural variation, as with the influx of idiot Libertarians last year.
  19. Slidey

    Republic of Australia - Yay or Nay?

    I'm hugely against presidential systems, and since becoming a republic would entail a presidential system (because apparently most of the rabble want a president), I'm reasonably against a republic right now.
  20. Slidey

    Polygamy in Australia...

    Of course it fucking has a place in our culture. That's like saying "Does atheism have a place in our culture or is it too different?" Only the people opposed to it will say no.