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  1. SylviaB

    Paris Terror Attack

    moderate muslims meet in west sydney to discuss tolerance and multiculturalism:
  2. SylviaB

    Paris Terror Attack

    Why? Am I upsetting you? You sound very bothered.
  3. SylviaB

    Paris Terror Attack

    moderate muslims in checnya:
  4. SylviaB

    Paris Terror Attack

    most muslim countries will never be as rich as the west because their IQs are too low
  5. SylviaB


    it wasnt about 'fixing' iraq for iraq's sake, it was ensuring that iraq would not be a threat to america and others
  6. SylviaB


    america was fighting terrorist groups. It didn't purposely target civillians, and most of the civillian casualties resulted from attacks by the terrorist groups/fighting with these groups.
  7. SylviaB


    iraqi civillians
  8. SylviaB


    thousands were killed by other muslims
  9. SylviaB


    muslim immigrants commit crimes as bad as this and worse every single day in europe but you never hear about it but you do hear about it when a muslim is killed none of these problems would be occurring if muslims stayed in their own countries they go to western countries, consume welfare...
  10. SylviaB


    your mates?
  11. SylviaB


    Niger Muslims kill five in riots of mohammed drawing
  12. SylviaB


    if muslims don't like how they're treated in europe they're free to leave at any time msulim countries do worse than this every single day of the year but idiots like you never say a fucking word about it
  13. SylviaB

    Restore the right to offend

    so you don't support free speech
  14. SylviaB

    Restore the right to offend

    so you don't support freedom of speech thanks for clearing that up
  15. SylviaB

    Restore the right to offend

    nobody is saying you can't be offended, we're saying that just because someone gets offended by what you say doesn't mean you can't say that thing
  16. SylviaB

    Paris Terror Attack

    muslims love freedom!