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  1. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I've had a bit of bad luck lately, haven't I? I think I'm going to put her in the 'frenemy zone' seeing as this is the same 'friend' that signed me up to that dating site as a joke. That was fun for a day, but then I was inundated with messages from psychopaths (profile deleted).
  2. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I know, because I had a specialist appointment on the last day at midday so there was no point in me going. She was the one that offered to collect handouts for me too. So basically I have two weeks to complete both and everyone else has had 4. I'd never do that.
  3. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    This evening I had netball and I seen my friend for the first time since school broke up. She casually handed me 2 more assignments that were handed out on the last day of school. Just when I thought I was on top of things.. I don't know if she was being strategic withholding them from me for...
  4. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I had no idea you were doing the HSC lol. Every time is see you in this forum, I'm like WHOA this kid is dedicated and they're only in year 9/10 haha. Why have you got 2019 as your HSC?
  5. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    lol, my legal teacher and I both loved breaking bad, and we were bitching about why they ended it. He said 'there's no good TV series left' He's seen SOA, so I thought he might like Banshee. He said he'd watch s1 in the hols. I just finished s3, and now I'm wishing I didn't recommend...
  6. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That's great, but sometimes I don't want to help people at my school (I don't want to sabotage them, either). My English tewcher is constantly rubbing his students the wrong way, because he likes to announce who performed best and worst for each assessment, and then pass their papers around...
  7. S

    How important is neatness???

    I get where you're coming from 100%. I'm notoriously neat, but I print and it's so slow. I would rip whole pages out if I made 1 mistake - not anymore. My teacher always tells us to do running writing in exams because it's harder for the marker to pick up on grammar and spelling mistakes, and...
  8. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It's pre funny. I feel sorry for kids that are born on Christmas though, because their parents tend to buy them less presents lol.
  9. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yeah it is pretty common to be 17 & in uni. I started school a year later than what I would have because when I was 4, I was basically at the hospital all of the time due to mutant cells tryna sabotage me lol. But a few of my friends in school are 18 - most won't be until the end of the...
  10. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I don't get the whole friend zone thing. People should just move on and get with someone who's actually into them. That friend I was gonna kill for putting me on a dating site, I ended up hugging. I'm getting like 10+ messages a day from members (and virtual roses, aww). I blocked the ones...
  11. S

    Creative halp

    If you're interested in refining first person, check out novels by Australian young adult writer Rebecca James. She does it so well. I taught myself based off her writing style.
  12. S

    Creative halp

    Ok, you can still show in third person, it just requires you to be more descriptive. Alex was used to staying up well past midnight, as the clock testified: 24:00 was the time. He had copious amounts of homework to complete as evidenced by the piles of paper on his desk; Alex's college...
  13. S

    Creative halp

    Write it in first person instead of third person (from a narrators perspective). YOU become Alex - e.g. I look at the clock, which reads 24:00. My college professor has thrown more homework, my way. (First person, past tense) OR In first person, present tense (preferable): Swoosh. The...
  14. S

    Science Experiment gone wrong?!

    Never start again. There are always variables in science. My bio teacher always reinforces it doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong, or your whether your results are contrary to the norm. You can still get maximum marks. My bio assignment required me to do an experiment, and my...
  15. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Isn't that bizarre though? No one owns anyone, so why be possessive of someone you've probably never even spoken to? He is one of my best friends because he's not petty like that. And if this girl wasn't such a B, he'd probably be her friend too because he's a nice guy that gets on with most*...
  16. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Received an email from my ancient teacher today. I sent her my draft and she replied saying it was nearly worth 100%. So I was like, well tell me where to rectify it so I can obtain that 100%. I am currently ranked the same as this other hag in my ancient class, we've been at war ever since she...
  17. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I'm 3 episodes into season 3. Farr out Starr is shining. Best part so far is when they're in that fat mans truck, and they're electrocuting Hood & he grabs the grubs hand and he gets electrocuted - Love his exit ahaha. I'm loving Rebecca and that psycho in the bow tie - I'm so hoping they'll...
  18. S

    What are your tutoring horror stories?

    I was tutored in primary school, but not at all during high school. I don't think it makes that much of a difference tbh.
  19. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I don't like it when it rains because it's good writing weather. And I'm too lazy to write atm and it's making me feel guilty. I just want to binge watch Banshee.
  20. S

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Oh lol. Never even noticed. I think it's mostly obscured by black and white & too small to enlarge to a decent size. I'm spewing. So tempted to do the same to her, but that would make me just as bad, so no.