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  1. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    I see. Fille de fleur de cerise :shy:
  2. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    Yeah, pretty much a gutter mind.
  3. S

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    Indeed :rolleyes: I do :o
  4. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    Even I know that. Ftw indeed. When is this occuring? Depends on your rep as a skirt wearer. I need some real Coke here, not this Coke Zero crap.
  5. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    She is actually serious with that :p $1000 bucks if you do it*. My formal, have got nothing prepared for it as yet. Although I'll cut the hair a couple weeks before to get it looking good :uhhuh: *Payment can be made void at my discretion.
  6. S

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    What were you thinking there? :p
  7. S

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    Oh, especially those sxc internet girls ;)
  8. S

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    :uhhuh: ^_^ How incredibly asian of me :shy:
  9. S

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    Mine haven't strayed off naked ... nichhhole :shy: Get the Simpsons reference, I'll give you $5*. *Payment can be made void at my discretion.
  10. S

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    It's their problem, not mine.
  11. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    Meh, I'm trying to revamp my image, so I might starting getting the hair product out soon. No problem :shy:
  12. S

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Unless they're freakishly talented :uhhuh:
  13. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    Don't even use hair product.
  14. S

    End Half Yearly Celebration Tactics.

    Nah, just lazy. In my case anyway.
  15. S

    Easter Holiday Progress

    I had 4000 in a year last year, could be possible if I boost up my posts a day. Hey Roger.
  16. S

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    No consequences for the aftermath if someone takes that action?
  17. S

    Easter Holiday Progress

    That must make me incredibly unkewl :wave: My bet's on airie getting it rather easily :uhhuh: