alexisonfire evolves. which is why people tend to go 'ew' after the self titled. fgts.
seen parkway twice. had winston punch a guy who tackled me for no reason and jarred my neck. awesome shit.
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
in contemporary society viriginity and modesty really have no corellation as far as im concerned.
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
none of my partners have ever asked for it, but one of my friends had his girlfriend do it just to see if she would
she did.
i lolled
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
i get what you mean, but what you mean and believe is riddled with double standards and blatently backwater.
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
you honestly think chicks dont go 'oh my god do i suck his cock/rub his nuts/finger his asshole etc as well as his previous lovers'?
because uh, we do.
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
except some opinions are stupid and ill actively point that out at 10 at night to cure bored. =]
the idea that women should be the only ones to preserve their virginity for marriage is backwater bullshit...
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
except, in terms of christian etc religious beliefs, its really not. fundamentally each part of an adult unionship is meant to preserve sexual intercourse for the sanctity of marriage.
if you want a virgin...
Re: guys, does a chick being a virgin really matter to us in a long term relationship
as far as im concerned, if a guy wants a virgin partner specifically and nothing else will do, he better come to the party in the exact same state.