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  1. CieL

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    Re: Semester 1 2006 Books Looks like we want the same book didnt you go to BBA103 yesterday and today?? They gave the course outline and everything out
  2. CieL

    I finally drove a V8...

    Bahah.. at least you can't speed in it..
  3. CieL

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    Most of the cars you listed there are manual.. did they ask you to drive those too?
  4. CieL

    Exemption for P platers - best ways??

    You don't even have a proper reason as to why you want to car in your possession besides to just drive it around and waste time. In earlier posts you said you didnt want a job because it'll affect your study pattern. The time you waste "just driving around" is worse than the time you "waste"...
  5. CieL


    Nehhhhhhhhh.. she started writing like crazy after she got my pen.. How can you not write in intro lectures ><
  6. CieL


    ahaha.. yeah in my first lecture in the Mason Theatre the desks are like that.. but I went to Mac Theatre today and the tables were so stiff I had a hard time getting it up.. okay that just sounded wrong
  7. CieL

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    Re: Textbooks: BUY WTB: Economics For Today 2nd edition and Modern Statistics by McNeil PM me
  8. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    Yeah I did show them the tear-off (yesterday).. because I said I dont have a receipt for proof.. but I have... "the number to call?" <-- the asian dude at the tent thing even finished my sentence for me =.= Then he was like "Yeah, the list gets refreshed.. so come back later.. we'll be...
  9. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    No >< When I paid I asked for a receipt.. then the guy behind the desk was like.. don't worry, on the day just give them your photo ID and they'll give you your card.. All I got as proof was the stupid tear-off from the order form.. and the number he wrote on it if there was any problems.. oh...
  10. CieL


    1st day.. I thought the lecturer's name was Allah instead of Allan because his writing was kinda.. screwed.. *thinks* Well, I thought the blonde chick that sat next to me was overconfident about uni because in the first 10mins of the lecture she didnt write anything.. until I realised she...
  11. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    The Australian newspaper thing sucks.. I paid $15 last friday.. and I still haven't managed to get my hands on a newspaper.. nor is my name on the list so they refuse to give me my card *anger* BS I start getting newspapers on the 27th
  12. CieL

    CityRail Discussion

    Yeah.. years ago my friends and I hated it so much we created CFC (Cityrail Fan Club).. we stuck stickers on everyone and shit.. basically it was just sarcasm.. quickly lost interest in it though..
  13. CieL

    Exemption for P platers - best ways??

    Wrong Porsches are under the category of high performance 6 cylinders so they're out Most people aren't aware that the P platers aren't allowed to drive those..
  14. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    ARGHHHHH My first lecture was at E7B.. so I thought I'd be smart and go to the carpark which is in the F area but one lil pathway away from the building.. I went everywhere but couldnt find the damn carpark.. also the road was blocked at the eastern ave because of construction.. all that and I...
  15. CieL

    Who is going to MAQ?

    Looks like you'll be needing close to $1.5k
  16. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    Well you see, if I use public transport.. My time spent on the bus (and waiting for it) is longer than my 2hr lecture
  17. CieL

    Uni starts tomorrow...

    omg it was totally out of my mind that I might not find a parking spot if i turn up around 11 o.O
  18. CieL


  19. CieL

    How to wear these boots?

    I'm not trying to say her boots look bad or anything, I'm just trying to say that $180 is quite a price to pay for a pair of defected boots *thinks about how many shifts I'll have to work to get $180*
  20. CieL


    Uhh.. are you talking about stuff like this? If so, I know all the places to get them