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  1. Zeref

    Minimum attendance

    What about parent signatures for a headache or "personal family matters"
  2. Zeref

    Minimum attendance

    So after reading a couple of threads here, I'm given to understand that the minimum attendance required to still be eligible for hsc is 80%-85%. Is this percentage out of the days from the starting of term 4 (year 11) or term 1 (year 12) and ending until the start of hsc? If your absence is...
  3. Zeref

    Conflicting perspectives related texts

    I haven't done a related yet. I want a related that can be "winged" So something I can read a summary of and understand it, then google search some quotes and done xD
  4. Zeref

    Writing generic essays?

    Does this work by picking these ideas thematically? I've been reading Hamlet generics then I look at past questions and I go "How the hell can your bs this "generic" to answer the question?"
  5. Zeref

    not bad. too much work to do D:

    not bad. too much work to do D:
  6. Zeref

    Conflicting perspectives related texts

    lol just read a summary of them. they all seem hard :(
  7. Zeref

    Conflicting perspectives related texts

    Any related texts that work with this module and belonging? :P
  8. Zeref

    Updated Raw Marks Database (sortable excel file)

    This doesn't take into account for ranks at school right?
  9. Zeref

    oh hi

    oh hi
  10. Zeref

    Divergent and Convergent Evolution-

    If I get a group of animals of the same species and place them in a different area with different selection pressures, what do you think will happen to that group in terms of its features? (assuming they adapt and don't die). Conversely, what happens if I place two unrelated species in a place...
  11. Zeref

    Divergent and Convergent Evolution-

    what are you specifically confused about?
  12. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

    That is the character July from the anime Darker than Black. Chronost's dp and sig is from that anime as well. It's a great anime, filled with lots of fights :D (The main character is chinese batman)
  13. Zeref

    The Anime Thread

  14. Zeref

    Cadetships 2014

    Well i goof-ed for my only video interview for GT lol. Are there any cadetships available for first years as well?
  15. Zeref

    Cadetships 2014

    Any ways to prepare for video interviews? Any troll questions?
  16. Zeref

    An injection of owner's equity - External source of finance??

    This. Owner's equity is an internal source of funds.
  17. Zeref

    Changes to 4u in 2014?

    Yea I heard this too. Also heard they are taking binomial out from mx1
  18. Zeref

    BAcc 2015 Intake

    Re: Bachelor of Accounting Co-Op last chance for applications gg