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  1. benji_10

    Year 11 Maths extension notes

    Just grind the textbook questions and do the easiest, most basic questions of the chapter. Notes wont get you very far. Just out of interest, what topic are you on?
  2. benji_10

    Conflicting perspectives help!!!

    Just watched 'A Beautiful Mind'. Need a couple of more ways the film has links to conflicting perspectives in it, cause i just couldn't find any. Any and all help is greatly appreciated, besides telling me to choose another text cause i suck at finding texts. Which probably explains why i'm...
  3. benji_10

    listening to music while making notes, good or bad?

    I played the drums so whenever i hear music i just tap away like crazy.
  4. benji_10

    Australian Open Thread

    Federer seemed...out of it. Lol'ed at the flying feather though. Heeheeehee...
  5. benji_10

    Is it necessary to actually read Frankenstein?

    Seeing as this is English it would be more beneficial for you to read the book, rather than using online sources (eg. sparknotes) that *LOTS* of people rely on and source their info from. Forming your own conclusions will also help improve your own skills in English, not to mention that getting...
  6. benji_10

    Blade Runner This one is pretty good. It''s in .mkv format though. It's a torrent btw, and it should take u around an hour to finish dl'ing.
  7. benji_10

    Where are ppl's class up to (ie. what topics have you done) in 2U Maths?

    Pretty much everything in the yellow fitzpatrick (2u) book except for exponentials and probability.
  8. benji_10

    Where do you reckon is the best suburb to live in Sydney?

    Most definitely eastwood. Lotta asians though.
  9. benji_10

    Is ETLC tutoring good?

    Hi! I go there and so far, it's good. I'm ahead of most, if not all of my class and I find that I have a better understanding of each topic. They do teach you handy shortcuts and they test you each week to keep your skills and knowledge fresh. The downside is that they are on the expensive...
  10. benji_10

    how do you achieve band 6's in the school certificate?

    Hi. For me, all my trial notes and yearly notes got me through. The only thing you need to revise for are maths and science. You can just skip english, geo and history. You'll find yourself wondering why you even tried at all after you've done the stupid test...
  11. benji_10

    What school do you go to?

    Normanhurst Boys High School.