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  1. FesuY

    Is anyone else getting seen questions for Economics or Business this term?

    Ive done 4 seen questions this year, 1 for eco, 1 for legal and 2 for business.
  2. FesuY


  3. FesuY

    how do I differentiate this?

  4. FesuY

    how do I differentiate this?

    My brain is experiencing technical difficulties.
  5. FesuY

    Has anyone made a comeback after half yearlies to achieve their atar goal?

    I got 9/20 for my first english assessment, I just got my at2 results and ended up getting 17/20 for the essay. So yeah, made a nice comeback
  6. FesuY

    What is easier Buisness studies or Biology

    business is easier
  7. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    yeah man, that ending had me tearing up. Watch el camino (a sequel movie to breaking bad), its about Jesse's story after rbreaking bad. Its a good movie
  8. FesuY

    Trigonometric Equation Help

    Thats what I thought, however for this question the answer is 90, -150 and -30, and my answer was 90, 210, -150 and -30
  9. FesuY

    Trigonometric Equation Help

    Everytime a question that has the domain (-π, π) always stuffs me up. Could anyone help me out with these types of questions?
  10. FesuY

    Is this good?

    Cheers Jimmy :)
  11. FesuY

    Is this good?

    Could anyone give me feedback on one of my case studies, if possible thanks. Assess the importance of the marketing mix in achieving marketing objectives Lego: Product in marketing is a good or a service that a business sells and promotes to consumers. Lego is a Danish toy company known for...
  12. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    the train episode in season 5 and the last of episodes of the series is godly
  13. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    yeah bro, the nursing home scene was so unexpected and amazing.
  14. FesuY

    Whats the solution to this?

    The question asks, Find the equation of the tangent to (the picture) if x= -1. I got 5y+2x+27=0, but supposdly its wrong.
  15. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    season 5 episode 14, btw season 3 finale was so amazing
  16. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    ozymandias had a 10/10 rating with 138k votes, which is crazy lmao, but now a bunch of salty aot fans spam voted it 1 star and now its 9.9
  17. FesuY

    The Breaking Bad Thread

    Bro it gets sooooo much better in season 4 and season 5
  18. FesuY

    #2022 HSC Chat
  19. FesuY

    Year 12 fr be hitting like a truck lol

    Ive gotten barely any homework and havent got my first assignment until halfway through the term, I guess i got lucky?