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  1. FesuY

    Preliminary Exams

    Agreed, its a pain in the ass. I literally should have done any other science, but it is what it is. I just cant imagine doing physics next year with a teacher who encourages students to drop if they arent capable of achieving a band 6.
  2. FesuY

    Preliminary Exams

    Dropping physics cause the teacher is as useful as a dead corpse.
  3. FesuY

    do you guys use correction tape?

    no i just scribble out the mistake lmao
  4. FesuY

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    Wow. Thats impressive. Good shit
  5. FesuY

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    If you dont mind sharing what were your subject marks?
  6. FesuY

    Preliminary Exams

    Did my english paper today. It wasnt as bad as I anticipated it to be. Got Economics tomorrow and ive barely prepared. So yeah thats my prelims so far
  7. FesuY

    i need help

    "How does yeats use contrast to explore personal and political concerns in his poetry". This is the question for the practice essay that our teacher provided us, and im stuck on confused on it. Could anyone help me understand what the question is asking
  8. FesuY

    prelim help

    Probably not considering i bludged a lot of year 11
  9. FesuY

    prelim help

    Yeah i guess thats a better alternative. Thanks for the response bro
  10. FesuY

    prelim help

    English and math im pretty confident. Physics im dropping. Business and Eco I have a decent understanding of the content and legal im a bit iffy with.
  11. FesuY

    prelim help

    Thanks for the responses guys, but my prelims are in like a week a half and I have only done 1 topic worths of notes for business,l egal and eco.
  12. FesuY

    prelim help

    How do i study for a test? Specifically for a content heavy subject like legal or eco. So far I have no study notes for each subject (but I have class notes). Do i perhaps need to write my own study notes for the WHOLE syllabus for each or can I get away with using the notes in this website. I...
  13. FesuY

    Computer Science UNSW Bridging Course

    I am currently in year 11 doing advanced maths. I plan on doing computer science in UNSW, but according to many people you need to take ext 1 maths to cope with the maths involved. But according to the UNSW bridging course info, it says that a person who achieves 86 or above in advanced maths is...
  14. FesuY

    Economics vs Business studies

    no worries
  15. FesuY

    Economics vs Business studies

    As someone who does both heres what I can say. Economics is probably the most content heavy subject in the HSC, and business studies is some what content heavy. Economics scales way more than business (comparable to physics and chemistry), whilst business scales not that great. Personally I...
  16. FesuY

    Business Studies VS PDHPE

  17. FesuY


    good for writing notes
  18. FesuY


  19. FesuY


    The fact that people have to discuss about pronouns shows the vulnerability and insanity of this generation. You are either a 'he' or a 'she', not 'they' and not 'kitten'.
  20. FesuY


    That seems miserable lmao