There are 6 in extension Latin,13 doing continuers
There are 11 in extension German, 15 doing continuers and 3 in beginners
French is done via Saturday School, so I can't give proper numbers
On top of that, I did German continuers last year :)
How can you already be in ADFA when they require you to be 17 and have passes in Year 12 in English, Maths and two other subjects? (which you are doing for prelim?)
I want to get premium for next term when I start year 12 but if I get it next term, does it expire at the end of the year or at the end of 365 days?
I have a friend who wants to do 4u English next year and he has a really cool idea (but I don't think I'll say here) but he isnt sure whether it is actually a topic that would be acceptable.
Say, he wanted to do something on like the capitalism ideology vs. communism ideology or...
Oh yeah..forgot about that scholarship/JR part :rofl:
So I'm assuming that concerti has like a full scholarship
and that she's done 4u maths and 3u music..
so are you like a a child genius?
I would love to have already finished 7 units..
you're so lucky