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  1. M

    Post your course preferences thread

    Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)/Master of Engineering (Electrical) @ UNSW Forgot the rest
  2. M

    Share your 2014 HSC results here

    English: 89 Maths X1: 100 Maths X2: 99 Physics: 96 Chemistry: 96 Engineering: 97 ATAR calcs hovering between 99.85 and 99.90
  3. M

    Potential Marks

    Highest: 99.95 Lowest:<30
  4. M

    Who got state ranks?

    You state ranked Advanced English?
  5. M

    What to wear for a scholarship interview

    Thanks guys. I have a NICTA (UNSW) scholarship interview. Anyone else got one?
  6. M

    What to wear for a scholarship interview

    For guys, would it be best to wear a suit or just a shirt and tie? Also, does anyone have some tips for interviews for interviews in general?
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    UNSW Prize for best student in mathematics

    ^Nice. What school do you go to?
  8. M

    UNSW Prize for best student in mathematics

    Did anyone else get this? It came with a $200 cheque.
  9. M

    copy of the whole paper?

    No one has the whole paper- only the options and multiple choice which they let us take.
  10. M

    your MC answers?

    1.d 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.a 10.c 11.b 12.c 13.c 14.b 15.a 16.a 17.b 18.d 19.a 20.d
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Yeah I wrote the quadratic formula. What I meant was I just didn't let u=x+2/x ( I did what aDimitri did)
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    I don't even bother with u. I just go straight to x+2/x=3
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Yeah I hope so. I'm pretty sure I got everything else. Is it true that they remark your paper to look for things like this if you get 100%?
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    They look at your 4u results I think
  15. M

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    I might have forgetten to state that OA=OP as they are radii (left out reasoning for that one bit) in the circle geo question. Will I lose a mark, considering the entire question was only out of 2?
  16. M

    Go to James Ruse and still can't find motivation

    As a Baulko student who topped maths I can testify to this statement.
  17. M

    Part time earnings and fees recovery

    Yes the current minimum wage in Australia is $16.87 per hour. However, since you are a student and under 21, junior rates which are lower may apply.
  18. M

    Hardest HSC year for extension 1?

    I just had a thought. What if Carrotsticks, because he doesn't want to give up teaching 4u, ends up setting the general maths HSC paper. Those poor souls.