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  1. tonynho

    Which subjects should I drop (and pick up) in year 12?

    But my chances would increase if I changed to SOR2 right?
  2. tonynho

    Which subjects should I drop (and pick up) in year 12?

    Yeah, I'm getting a bit worried already. Don't know why though... Do you think I should change to SORII? I read the syllabus for the course and it seems much interesting than SORI and it does scale crazy if I heard correctly?
  3. tonynho

    Which subjects should I drop (and pick up) in year 12?

    Okay so, for my prelims this year I'm doing English adv. and ext1, modern & ancient history, multimedia, portuguese continuers and sor1. Now what I'm thinking for year 12 is to drop one of the history subjects, multimedia, pick up English Extension 2 and History Extension. So I'll be left...
  4. tonynho

    What Should I Pick?

    Do Chinese, and may I ask why you think you'll drop one of those?
  5. tonynho

    Regrets of Picking Certain Subjects

    I have a feeling I'm gonna regret not picking up SORII.
  6. tonynho

    What's the biggest meal you have eaten?

    We're getting off-topic here. I would like to one day beat my record by eating 12 pieces of chicken, 5 potato and gravies, and a whole blueberry cheesecake (5 inches tall).
  7. tonynho

    A question on Creative writing

    Not if he does it well. All he needs to do is take that concept of the holocaust and expand it into a deep meaningful story. And it doesn't matter if the marker is jewish, as long as the story is not extremely explicit or offensive, the marker must mark it to it's highest quality.
  8. tonynho

    What's the biggest meal you have eaten?

    A bucket of KFC's delectable, juicy, irresistible chicken. Never ate KFC again for 6 months :)
  9. tonynho

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Probably walking up the stairs :)
  10. tonynho

    Getting "kicked" out on the FIRST day of Math EXT?

    The teacher cannot kick you out, all she can do is advise that you drop the course. You cannot be "kicked" out of any course at school.
  11. tonynho

    Anyone burn out yet??

    I hope I don't burn out... But I won't, I gotta make sure I don't study (homework included) more than 4 hours maximum per day and make sure I go for my 1 hour walk each day, chill and relax with friends when I can.
  12. tonynho

    Laptops at school

    I think laptops are great to do research at school as your textbooks will not provide all the specific info you need. I never type notes up, writing works better for me because as laura said, it helps me remember more and improves my handwriting. I would not suggest typing up your notes...
  13. tonynho

    What time of the day do you attend Extension 1 and 2? And how often?

    Wow, 25 people is pretty large for an extension class! And yeah, pretty much what I was expecting, my sister went to a different school and she said the class was offered to put it to a vote whether they had class in the morning or the afternoon and they all chose to attend in the morning...
  14. tonynho

    What time of the day do you attend Extension 1 and 2? And how often?

    I'm doing Extension 1 for my prelims this year and I understand that every school is different with what hours they spend teaching extension with their students. But I'm curious to know if you attend it in the morning or after your last period at school. And often do you have it each week? Also...
  15. tonynho

    Teachers who put you to sleep?

    I hope I get decent teachers in Year 11. I'm hoping for a good Modern teacher, and a good English teacher. That is ALL I'm asking for :(
  16. tonynho

    Starting Year 11 soon, what kind of assessments should I expect in the first term?

    Re: Starting Year 11 soon, what kind of assessments should I expect in the first term From what my previous year 11 friends did at my school, it wasn't that much different from year 10. For the science subjects, they had the normal tests and investigation assignments. For English, they mainly...
  17. tonynho

    Italian (beginers)

    I am doing Portuguese Continuers this year so I can't help you on the content but in terms of studying and revising there are things you should definitely do! Keep practising your speech and your writing abilities. Continuously write to improve your vocabulary and speak whenever you can. It's...
  18. tonynho

    What books will be studied for English Adv. and Extension 1 in year 11?

    Oh okay, thanks anyways guys... Might as well start on some year 12 texts!
  19. tonynho

    What books will be studied for English Adv. and Extension 1 in year 11?

    I would like to get a heads up of which texts I'll be studying this year so I can read it during the holidays! Much appreciated!:read: