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  1. slyhunter

    The HSC Haiku thread

    Incorrect haiku Wrong number of syllables Disappoint, I am
  2. slyhunter

    FINS1613 query

    If he is, we are all done for. He's finally "exercising his rights"
  3. slyhunter

    FINS1613 query

    I'm guessing that's what they mean too, nice of them I suppose
  4. slyhunter

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread 4/6 not too bad
  5. slyhunter

    What should be do in reading time?

    I used to look at the last few questions since the first couple are generally quite straight forward
  6. slyhunter

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Went berserk when ADP scored on the rebound, Covic was so mad haha
  7. slyhunter

    To all HSC students stressing

    Whilst this viewpoint is shared by many, generally by those who have completed their schooling life, realise that for those still doing the HSC, it's one the biggest things to hit them in their lives so far. The HSC is not everything, I have that view, but you can understand why so many would be...
  8. slyhunter

    Not Showing Working?

  9. slyhunter

    University Laptop Advice

    I would definitely be leaning towards the Asus
  10. slyhunter

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    like every second other commerce student haha I have done a lot of finance study today and am now burnt out
  11. slyhunter

    Deactivating facebook for the hsc.

    You're gonna find other ways to procrastinate until you can learn to control yourself
  12. slyhunter

    Best Steak in Sydney?

    I support this
  13. slyhunter

    What are the most interesting facts you have learned in Modern History?

    He gained power through manipulation of key figures in the Reichstag and being able to take advantage of a situation where most Germans were vulnerable and easily swayed. Events such a s the Night of the Long Knives simply catalysed this process of fear and control. Probably the most...
  14. slyhunter

    How do I burn my notes?

    I'll take the spruce moose
  15. slyhunter

    JB Hifi and Esprit Interview!!!!

    You just have to be lucky I suppose, and my resume was just any other generic resume I don't work at Parramatta but I assure you I work very close to there, you probably can guess where I am now
  16. slyhunter

    Who's looking forward to math? :)

    Probably slightly harder than previous question 1s
  17. slyhunter

    How do I burn my notes?

    Some fires are illegal in certain council areas.
  18. slyhunter

    Tips from 2012 HSC students to 2013 students

    Yeah, as long as you stay on top of your work nightly (doesn't even have to be nightly, every 2-3 days or so) and you'll be perfectly set for your final exams.
  19. slyhunter

    JB Hifi and Esprit Interview!!!!

    I work at JB at the moment as a part timer and I can say the most important thing is to be yourself. Most people who work here (or at least in shop I work in) are generally very chill people, most youngish, so generally the interviewer won't expect anything formal etc. You'll probably get asked...
  20. slyhunter

    A good pen to use in exams?

    Uniball jetstream