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  1. F

    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    I definitely found it harder than other papers and LONGER. I normally finish in 1.5 hrs however this exam took the full 3.
  2. F

    Graphing rates

    If its increasing the gradient is positive f'(x) > 0 If its decreasing the gradient is negative. f'(x) < 0 If the function is at a decreasing rate the function is concave down (i.e. f"(x) < 0) If the function is at an increasing rate the function is concave up (i.e. f"(x) > 0 )
  3. F

    Probability tips?

    Anyone have any good tips for probability? It is my most despised topic in the entire syllabus, I just lack the common sense for it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
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    Losing 10% if you stay home a day before an exam?

    I go to malek fahd and they have the same policy in place, so idk :/
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    Losing 10% if you stay home a day before an exam?

    you're doing too many units, get rid of a subject and focus on your best 10, it will save you heaps of time and stress
  6. F

    its time i asked for help.

    It's never too late to try! I highly recommend you get the understanding yr 11 mathematics and understanding yr 12 mathematics books They're fantastic and have helped me so much If you feel like 2 unit is too overwhelming, dropping to general is also an option, you could stil get over 90 in that =)
  7. F

    Sketching the derivative?

    Hi all For sketching the f'(x) to f(x) graphs, how would I justify certain things? For example in a 2007 Ruse trial Q9 it states that point C is a local maximum on f'(x) and then goes on to ask what type of point occurs at C on y = f(x). It then asks for a justification. PS i have no clue what...
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    Further Trigonometry help

    Oh man, I feel ridiculously silly right now. Thanks very much. :)
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    Further Trigonometry help

    Thanks mate, much appreciated :) What about cos theta? How would you go about Q2?
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    Further Trigonometry help

    Thanks mate, much appreciated :)
  11. F

    Further Trigonometry help

    Hi guys I don't really recall these kinds of limits appearing in 2 unit, could someone please sketch generally how to go about these types of qns ? Q1 & Q2 are examples
  12. F

    Locus help please!

    Hi everybody! Could somebody please assist me with these questions? I've been trying to do them for a while now and I am pretty frustrated. Not getting the right answer :{ 9. (a) Find the locus of the point P(x, y) whose distance from the point A(4, 0) is always twice its distance from...
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    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

    Thanks alot, you guys really helped :)
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    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

    how about if the roots were ,
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    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

    how about if the roots were ,
  16. F

    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

    how about if the roots were , \[1, (1+\sqrt{2}), (1-\sqrt{2})\]
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    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

  18. F

    Polynomials Help! (AGAIN)

    Form a cubic eqn with the following roots
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    Polynomials Help!

    I forgot to include the brackets, thanks so much for your help!! I appreciate it :)
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    Polynomials Help!
