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  1. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    Do you have a car?
  2. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    Can u drive?
  3. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    OMG I love that black lol but I never knew it was rare... :(
  4. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    Wth that's actually so would you get one import it...
  5. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    hahaha its actually kinda Wouldn't parts be hard to find it looks like an old model..??
  6. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    Damn that is one sexy car bro!!!
  7. emma_01

    My new dilemma when picking a car.

    What is your favourite car?
  8. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    yahhh...that's such a perfect height man... :)
  9. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    okay whateva...I get that it is good to have a guy that is taller but like its kinda saaaddd....but idk if I would..probably but idk...
  10. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    Oh really?? Well how do you know...idk u might find a really sweet and decent guy but yet he is shorter?? R u gonna reject him just coz he is shorter than u??
  11. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    Yes Sir and how do you know???
  12. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    Rude much... Not everyone is gonna be perfect in life so u gonna be meeting a lot of other people who are shorter...what are u gonna do? Ignore them?
  13. emma_01

    English Discovery Ideas!!

    haha lol yh it is early but my teacher keeps on telling us to start practicing creative and essay writing :uhoh: so yh kinda needed a few ideas coz I am soooo bad at both of them :( ima die in HSC :cry:
  14. emma_01

    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'3 :cry: so short and I think I stopped sad life...
  15. emma_01

    English Discovery Ideas!!

    haha that's idk like I was kinda thinking of like...maybe someone has died a while back in the family and they left something behind..e.g. a jewellery box or smthing... and then like one day the family is moving house and daughter/grand daughter finds it and then has flashback of...
  16. emma_01

    English Discovery Ideas!!

    Hi guys...ik its like ages (kinda) for the HSC for the yr 12's but like I am already procrastinating for the creative writing for discovery!?!?! I am like outta all ideas and all of them are either really lame or cliché :o If u guys have any ideas plz share them coz im lost...?!?!
  17. emma_01

    Hi leehuan! umm I was just wondering if u had any advice on the HSC?? Like I mean what to...

    Hi leehuan! umm I was just wondering if u had any advice on the HSC?? Like I mean what to expect, how to study and that... :) Sorry if its like outta nowhere but I saw one of ur posts and would really like ur help :)
  18. emma_01

    Please complete my Cafs Survey!!

    Hi guys! This is a questionnaire for a research project that I am conducting for Cafs and I would really appreciate it if you could take some time to complete it. It is completely anonymous and will only be used to answer the following: "Does the use of social media influence an adolescent’s...