Search results

  1. kaz1

    Which university? Student life/ courses/ etc

    unsw always and forever unsw
  2. kaz1

    2013 Federal election

    vote wikileaks party julien assange for pm
  3. kaz1

    Working in the UN? :)

    I have a casual job at the UNHCR, you don't need any qualifications at all.
  4. kaz1

    Release of Semester1 2013 Results

    they scale physics like crazy since it's super hard
  5. kaz1

    Release of Semester1 2013 Results

    DDDC fucking commerce screws me over every semester
  6. kaz1

    Schools defend right to expel gays

    What those priests did is against the teachings of the church and breaks the fundamental commandment "love thy neighbour".
  7. kaz1

    Do you think Aust is soft touch on border protection?
  8. kaz1

    Do you think Aust is soft touch on border protection?

    Australia should tow the boats to North Korea.
  9. kaz1

    How to buy train tickets starting from different stations?

    You probably have to do it with the ticket guy at the counter if there is one at Croydon.
  10. kaz1

    Schools defend right to expel gays

    being a homosexual means that you have rejected Christ on face value
  11. kaz1

    2013 Federal election

  12. kaz1

    2013 Federal election

    stop the botes axe the tax debt and deficit every single time omg
  13. kaz1

    What does it feel like to finish the HSC?

    It feels better finishing English Paper 2 than your final exam. The feeling of never having to memorise a stupid quote again is priceless. Reflecting back to that moment still makes me hard to this very day.
  14. kaz1

    2013 Federal election

    it doesn't matter and the same thing would happen if the libs were in
  15. kaz1

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    fuark good old days in first year when Murray used to spend 20 minutes of the lecture talking about his fishing adventures
  16. kaz1

    Girlfriend Troubles

    Tell her that you should be allowed to have sex with her brother as well.
  17. kaz1

    2013 Federal election

  18. kaz1

    Easy WAM boosters?
