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  1. Jolteon

    HSC Oral Exams

    Hey guys! HSC Speaking Orals are happening in a few months so good luck all! What are some good ways to improve speaking and how are you guys all practicing/revising before HSC? Thanks!
  2. Jolteon

    All three Sciences for Year 11 and 12?

    Personally, I think it comes down to why you're choosing those subjects. If you really like Sciences and enjoy the way/method/tedious nature of studying those subjects then it's fine but if you're picking it for the scaling or because it's 'beneficial' for uni courses/med then I think you should...
  3. Jolteon

    How much do people earn?

    Just a thought but what is the average salary/income in Sydney? Just read a thread on Reddit about 'being poor' and wondering what degrees have wider employment opportunities in the future. Thanks!
  4. Jolteon

    Always napping help

    Hi, Since Easter holidays ended, I've been napping for 2 hours most days after school from 5-7pm and sometimes I don't wake up at all - not until 6:30am when I have to get up for school. This is starting to have a big impact on me since I can't stay awake during those times and I've tried...
  5. Jolteon

    Comeback stories

    Currently 1st in English advanced from half yearlies after a horrible mark from AT1 that would've placed me in the 70s. A lot of people are climbing in Maths but it is also possible to climb the English ladder with effort!
  6. Jolteon

    State ranking English

    Do Advanced English state rankers basically lose no marks in Internals? A good friend of mine has a lot of potential but lost quite a few marks in Assessment Task 1 and wonders if she can recover from it, seeing how she did extremely well in Half Yearlies. Thankyou!
  7. Jolteon

    MX1 and EX1 Scaling

    Hi, I take both Maths Extension 1 and English Extension 1 but I am doing poorly (below average) in MX1 so I'm planning to drop it. However, I am also only receiving average for EX1. I told my mate about this and they said that the high scaling for MX1 will balance things out. Although I am...
  8. Jolteon

    How do you study for English?

    Personally here are the ways that work for me: Pick related materials that click with you, there isn't a point choosing a related that you're not willing to read/watch and study and it'll improve your life by a mile My personal favourite is reading high B6 essays or exemplars and use their...
  9. Jolteon

    Poems for Discovery

    Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for any long, meaty discovery poems? Thank you!
  10. Jolteon

    Do the Rich Rule Selective Schools??

    I go to a mid-range selective school where kids usually have around 2 tutors (English and Maths) but you wouldn't call them rich. Just well-off - and even the kids who have 3-4 tutors (Sciences/4u maths etc) still wouldn't regard themselves as rich - just well-off. But the kids who do go...
  11. Jolteon

    Part time jobs after HS

    Wow thank you guys! I didn't expect to have this many replies :)
  12. Jolteon

    Part time jobs after HS

    Hey! Just a general question, but what are some popular part time jobs that Uni students tend to have? Or like a specific area such as retail/hospitality. Also, I'm a Y12 thinking of doing some volunteering on the weekends or after school (to take my mind off studying 24/7) what are some...
  13. Jolteon

    Studying in holidays

    For holidays, I prefer to study in the day from 12 - 6pm Enjoy your time off from then onwards to avoid burning out. It's good to pre-write/learn content for sciences and do textbook chapters for maths from a textbook other than your school one. I'm always almost behind so holidays are more...
  14. Jolteon

    Possible to get Band6?

    I attend a low ranking selective school, but I don't think the assessments are difficult in comparison to others.
  15. Jolteon

    Possible to get Band6?

    Is it still possible to get a low band 6 for 2u Maths if I got 84% for both AT1 and Half Yearlies Weightings: AT1: 15% AT2: 30% AT3: 15% Trials: 40% What is the minimum I have to score for both AT3 and Trials to secure a low B6 for 2uMAths?
  16. Jolteon

    Does yr 11 actually matter

    Content is important for maths. Same goes towards Sciences, especially the foundations. It's a good opportunity to learn your study habits - personally, I found Y11 to be the year where all the quiet kids who study hard seem to top. Now that they're doing subjects they're good at/have interest...
  17. Jolteon

    Is it hard to get a Band 6 in Physics?

    Alot of students at my school (for sciences/heavy content subjects) tend to print out 5-8 marker hsc questions and do them and then submit it to their teachers to mark. I think this is a really good way to solidify your responses and you also get proper feedback from teachers. If your teachers...
  18. Jolteon

    Bombing Half Yearlies

    C Cheers buddy this really made me feel better !!
  19. Jolteon

    Bombing Half Yearlies

    Hi, so it turns out I didn't do well for my Half Yearlies at all. At all. Is it still possible to do well for HSC? Like getting over 96 ATAR? I have only one subject that should be able to carry my overall ATAR but the rest are looking very grim (Especially 2u/3u maths) Thank you :(
  20. Jolteon

    A Comparison of Textbooks

    I have the Fitzpatrick NEW SENIOR 2u Mathematics textbook. Is it any different from the Fitzpat you guys are talking about? Also my school uses the MiF and I get absolutely shat on by friends who use Cambridge in other schools and I completely see where they're coming from after borrowing their...