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  1. MBMD

    If you are standing at 75WAM average at MQ should I transfer to UNSW still???

    No...not trolling. It's just what I've heard, apparently they set the tests harder etc etc so to compensate Ds = HDs. But by all means don't take my word for it I'm just a hsc student reading BoS haha
  2. MBMD

    If you are standing at 75WAM average at MQ should I transfer to UNSW still???

    Doesn't macq count Ds as HDs? So on your resume you would say HD average. Which would defs be better than a credit/distinction from unsw. Up to you.
  3. MBMD

    International studies

    International studies taken as the major of B. Arts at UTS lets you learn a language at the uni and eventually live in a overseas uni for 1 year. It probably does not add new fields for job prospects, but it would make you more employable due to the overseas experience and fluency in a language.
  4. MBMD

    So exactly how does a better ranking school 'pull you up'?

    The better the whole school goes affects the cohorts assessment marks (which is based off your rank etc). Your HSC mark is an average between this assessment mark and your external exam mark.
  5. MBMD

    After the HSC

    1. Trip to London to watch Arsenal play 2. Get a job 3. Get gym membership, get fit again 4. Drink 5. Dota Cannot fucking wait
  6. MBMD

    Help, UTS - Business or UNSW - Commerce

    so if one were to attempt to transfer into usyd/unsw commerce, what atar would you need? I'd imagine that the higher your WAM is then the atar requirement would decrease...right?
  7. MBMD

    Question on bonus points

    They have the subject bonus points- ones you get for doing well in certain subs, and EAS, which are counted separately. EAS points can also be applied to courses not covered by subject bonus points, like Law. edit: subject bonuses have a cap of 5 iirc
  8. MBMD

    How Many Hours of LoL?

    Far too much dota this year :/
  9. MBMD

    CSSA Economics 2013

    Called it :D
  10. MBMD

    CSSA Economics 2013

    Its recommended that we spend 35 mins on each essay in the hsc, so maybe....800? Most people will finish the other sections quicker so they have more time for the essays so obv more for them.
  11. MBMD

    CSSA Economics 2013

    Yea that makes a lot of sense
  12. MBMD

    CSSA Economics 2013

    Pretty sure yes. March-April-May.
  13. MBMD

    CSSA Economics 2013

    They usually have something that is topical for the essays, and remember that it was written sometime around April. My guess is something to do with the exchange rate or CAD/Fiscal policy
  14. MBMD

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    Out of curiosity, how much does doing an all nighter fuck up your sleeping habits?
  15. MBMD

    Medstart or Medentry?

    I don't know anything about Medstart, but Medentry was very good imo. They went through how to answer questions in the lecture, but the real value was the online resources. Tons of prac papers, guides and drills. But try get a group together to do it as its pricey (~$700-800 for a non group?)...
  16. MBMD

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    My trials aren't til next week, but can you guys give me some advice about the creatives for English? Should I prepare/memorise a story and try reproduce that in the exam, or should I instead spend my time doing small plans for many different stories? Cheers, and gl to everyone for english tomorrow
  17. MBMD

    When does everyone finish school?

    I finish around the 19th or 20th of September, but the two weeks prior to this is barely 'school', just coming in for lectures at school.