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  1. ml125

    The Asian Music Thread

  2. ml125

    The Asian Music Thread

  3. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Feelz My guinea pigs were sleeping in my arms, then I sneezed r i p they got pissed ;AA;;
  4. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Would probs not help that much tbh LOL It was for an essay on Hedonism xD
  5. ml125

    Is it neccessary to include a third paragraph in the essay

    Yes. But what I'm saying is that you'll have to take it an extra step further if you want to limit your arguments to two body paragraphs. Not including an extra paragraph potentially means that you are exploring less aspects of the text(s) than possible, depending on how you structure your response.
  6. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I don't memorise essays but since the week after trials I've been writing out my quotes every other night hahaa scared that I'll pull a mod b again.. *shudders* forgot nearly all my quotes omg ;A; ----------- Looking over my english essays from last year omg. Tfw all my go-to related texts...
  7. ml125

    Is it neccessary to include a third paragraph in the essay

    It depends on how much depth you go into in each of your body paragraphs. If you go into a lot of depth it shouldn't be necessary to include another body paragraph.
  8. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    ahh okok half forgivable still cut
  9. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    w o w I stole like 2 bites of a muffin from my friend Was starving af - stomach kept grumbling in physics omfg But you were like 100% not the dude behind me right? Bc that was the only person I could recognise from chem and if you were that close actually like <///3 y u no talk to moi -----...
  10. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Asked about my creative piece for ee1 haha wtf were you there? <///3 so c u t didn't even say hi ;n;
  11. ml125

    How do you study for an english creative?

    You should only set your creative in a dystopian setting if you are confident that you will be able to portray it well enough, and if it were to bring enough meaning to the piece. I'd personally try to set the piece in a setting the markers will be able to relate to, as it will be easier for...
  12. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Working fine for me :3
  13. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    pressing the badge thing lol
  14. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    roast me :3
  15. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Liking it now :'DD Need a tbh too xoxo
  16. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    *gets facebook right before hsc* coUGHS WHat ARe yoU DOIng M8989898
  17. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    aayyyYYYYyYY you add me lmao too ceebs xx
  18. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    ay fam <3
  19. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It was something like, find the relationship between range and initial speed.
  20. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I did two - pendulum and projectile motion