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  1. Tha Wishkah

    Soundwave 09

    That's a whole lot of fucking fail composed into one lineup
  2. Tha Wishkah

    Best Rock Bands Ever

    necro posting ftl
  3. Tha Wishkah


    some arcade puzzle game.
  4. Tha Wishkah


    people dont usually expect to have to ward for wd. also, the lothars isnt really for 'defense' / escapes. more just for using while channeling so people cant interupt. You'd be suprised the amount of ranked games ive played on gg that people dont ward for me, only if we have another...
  5. Tha Wishkah

    Best game of all time??

    nah cs:s was a classic.
  6. Tha Wishkah


    oh, i know what pubtrash is, i was merely wondering why you assume i play onlypub trash.
  7. Tha Wishkah

    WTB Bored Aussie account

    lol vegan. i have an invite too now then, but i don't know where i see it.
  8. Tha Wishkah


    pub trash? lothars now is even better for non agi heroes,. Which client do you play on btw? BA / Battlenet or GG ?
  9. Tha Wishkah

    Formula sheet?

    ask kadwell. seriously though. k=1/mps
  10. Tha Wishkah

    your current favourite song

  11. Tha Wishkah

    Best Rock Bands Ever

    also, joy division if you count their style as rock. it was sorta old post punk gothic rock. it isn't 'gothic rock' by todays standards.
  12. Tha Wishkah


    hardly, aslong as you dont gank in the same generic lane it doesnt matter. Scrubs wont be able to ward and get away without dying, just dont go back to the lane for 5, waste their money. either they gem or they get over wasting their money. even if they gem when u gank em its not liek...
  13. Tha Wishkah

    coffs 08 anyone?

    Ahh localfags out in force. All attend my school. Don't let what we have said discourage you, coffs is a pretty awesome place, great resorts and beaches. We're only sayign shit cause we have been desensitised to it all. Serisouly, if u surf or bodyboard, dont forget to bring it along...
  14. Tha Wishkah

    Official Wallpaper of the HSC

    lol vegan i remember you linking me this. opera 9.61 ftw
  15. Tha Wishkah


    Best is witch doctor. Once you farm lothars its gg. Cask + male + ward and ww from lothar = double, triple kills
  16. Tha Wishkah

    Friends with benefits...

    i live in coffs.
  17. Tha Wishkah

    Those little things...

    sitting in back corner of room, a supervisor sitting next to be doing cross words. when she couldnt get an answer she'd tap her pen on the page, fucking annoying as When they swapped positions (one at front on in corner), the second lady just stood there next to me swaying for like 45...
  18. Tha Wishkah

    Were your examiners cool?

    i was sitting in the back right hand corner of the room, and has the second examiner standing right behind me. She was swaying and couldnt sit still the whole time, kept standing up and swaying, then sitting down, the up again. all the while staring at my paper bitch was so fucking...
  19. Tha Wishkah

    Goodluck w/ business tommorow

    dont stress to much. i'll speak to alot of you tommorow about how you went / see you in the english forums. goodluck, have fun, hsc isnt the end etc etc.
  20. Tha Wishkah

    Best game of all time??

    in terms of revenue - WoW. 10 million + subscribers @ $15/month in terms of my fav, in no particular order: -d2:lod -sc & bw -Zelda: ocarina of time -perfect dark on n64 -cs:s retro: -super mario brothers -pong -tetris